Zhifu Ge, Developer in Waterloo, ON, Canada
Zhifu is available for hire
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Zhifu Ge

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Waterloo, ON, Canada
Toptal Member Since
September 17, 2018

Zhifu is a native iOS developer with four years of experience and six apps live in the App Store. Fluent in both Swift and Objective-C, he writes clean, maintainable, scalable, and fast code. He has extensive experience working in agile teams of all sizes and communicates exceptionally well with teammates and QA staff.



Preferred Environment

Git, Xcode, MacOS

The most amazing...

...piece of code I have written is a container view controller that performs and looks great on both smaller iPhone screens and bigger iPad ones.

Work Experience

iOS Engineer

2018 - PRESENT
  • Developed major new features for a large-scale social media app that has over 1 billion monthly video views.
  • Led the team on implementing several major architecture design patterns to make the code base more maintainable, testable, and scalable.
  • Collaborated with the product team releasing a new version every two weeks since the start date.
Technologies: RxCocoa, RxSwift, Swift, iOS

iOS Developer

2016 - 2018
Brierwood Design Co-operative
  • Built a continuous integration system using Fastlane, Jenkins, Bash, and Ruby, for an enterprise-grade iOS app that has several "white label" flavors, some of which uses clients' own signing credentials.
  • Converted approximately 30% of a 20,000-line Objective-C code base to Swift 3, and greatly improved the code quality along the way.
  • Implemented the tags view and map view of an enterprise iOS app. These two features became the "killer feature" of two major releases.
  • Led the effort of formally establishing the team's Swift coding standard and style guidelines.
  • Designed, implemented, and released an iOS app as a one-person team, greatly reduced the stress of a very understaffed firm.
  • Started and led the company's "Lunch and Learn" program, a weekly session for the team to learn the latest in Swift and iOS development.
  • Worked on a tvOS app using RxSwift and RxCocoa, and organized 2 training sessions on Rx and functional programming.
Technologies: Swift, Objective-C, iOS

Software Developer

2016 - 2016
Wind River Systems
  • Developed a Python application for internal OS testing that connects to hundreds of targets, and executes tests on them.
  • Implemented the conditional execution part of a domain-specific programming language using Python. It was the killer feature of a very successful major release.
  • Implemented the GOTO keyword of a domain specific programming language.
Technologies: C, JavaScript, Python

Dubsmash iOS App

Dubsmash is the second-largest short-video social media app in the US, with over 1 billion video views per month. Zhifu has been the principal developer of the iOS app since October 2018, contributing 500+ commits.

- Owned 30+ bi-weekly releases
- Owns several vital areas of this large-scale social media app: the feed, the camera,
and the direct messages
- Leads the team on implementing several architecture design patterns to make the
codebase more maintainable, testable, and scalable: Dependency Injection, The Coordinator Pattern, and MVVM


ProntoForms is the iOS client of ProntoForms Corporation’s mobile forms system. It presents custom-made forms fetched from the server, let the users fill in data, and send the data back to the server.

ProntoForms has been a successful solution trusted by large companies like Unilever, AT&T, TOSHIBA, and BP.

I worked on ProntoForm during my employment with Brierwood Design Co-operative, from November 2016 to February 2018.


UIKit, Grand Central Dispatch, Core Data, MapKit, AVFoundation. Core Graphics, Core Animation, Amazon AWS, Rest APIs, Objective-C, Swift, Fastlane.

Wave Whiz

Wave Whiz is an iOS app for maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) analysis. It loads signal data from text files, or from the console where a user can type or paste in the values. Its main features include multi-resolution analysis (MRA), multi-scale analysis of variance (ANOVA), and denoising. Analysis results can be exported to text files.

Wave Whiz is heavy on data processing. To make the UI sleek and always responsive, I took full advantage of Grand Central Dispatch, NSOperations, and multi-threading best practices. The result is a stable, high performance, and power-efficient app that has been very well received by the client and the client's users.


UIKit, Grand Central Dispatch, Accelerate (Apple's high-performance, energy-efficient vector-processing framework), vDSP (Apple's digital signal processing framework). Swift, C, Fastlane.


ECG Wiz is an iOS app for high-frequency ECG waveform analysis.

The app has a very complex 7-stage data processing system. To make the user interface always responsive, preserve battery life, and increase the processing speed, I optimized every aspect of the architecture and algorithm design, to the extent that re-implementing certain functions in C instead of Swift. The payoff is huge. It runs super fast, comparable to desktop-class applications of similar functions.


UIKit, Grand Central Dispatch, Accelerate (Apple's high-performance, energy-efficient vector-processing framework), vDSP (Apple's digital signal processing framework). Swift, C, Fastlane.


Swift, Objective-C, C, GraphQL, Java, Ruby, Python, JavaScript


UIKit, Core Data, MapKit, Core Location, Core Bluetooth, Core ML


RxSwift, RxCocoa, REST APIs, Firebase iOS SDK, Core Graphics, Core Animation


Xcode, Grand Central Dispatch, Git, Fastlane, Firebase Authentication, Firebase Analytics


iOS, MacOS, Linux, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Agile Software Development, Functional Programming


NoSQL, Cloud Firestore


Firebase Hosting, AVFoundation, Data Encryption, Machine Learning, Firebase Cloud Functions

2014 - 2016

College Diploma in Computer Programming

Algonquin College - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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