Vlad Tereshyn, Developer in Kiev, Ukraine
Vlad is available for hire
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Vlad Tereshyn

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Kiev, Ukraine
Toptal Member Since
August 24, 2021

Vlad has more than five years of experience in full-stack web development. He is focused on front-end development but can do both server and front end. Vlad is intensely familiar with the modern JavaScript technology stack. He is a good team player, always positive to criticism and a goal-oriented person with demonstrated perseverance and diligence in the work process. Vlad has experience in all stages of product development.


React, Node.js, GraphQL, React Apollo, CSSinJS, Webpack, Monorepos, NestJS...
IT School
HTML, CSS, JavaScript
LULU Software
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Webpack, CSS Preprocessors, .NET




Preferred Environment

Slack, Zoom, Skype, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), MacOS, Jira

The most amazing...

...thing was building a platform for students that helps quantify the return on education investment to enhance industry engagement.

Work Experience

Senior Full-stack Developer

2018 - PRESENT
  • Architectured and developed front-end applications using TypeScript.
  • Created scalable and performed architecture for the client-side of the web application.
  • Migrated application from REST API to GraphQL on both sides - client and server.
  • Managed the front-end team of three developers. I was involved in daily calls, standups, and plannings.
  • Participated in planning sessions and creating a technical plan of actions required for the product.
  • Refactored the very first version of the client from React v15 to v16 that enabling hooks usage.
  • Collaborated with data science engineers to set up receiving the latest data from them.
  • Created a shared component library and store that library using monorepo approach.
Technologies: React, Node.js, GraphQL, React Apollo, CSSinJS, Webpack, Monorepos, NestJS, Elasticsearch, HTML, Auth0, TypeScript

Mentor | Front-end Development

2017 - 2018
IT School
  • Created from scratch a training program for six months, for learners.
  • Taught the necessary technologies for developing the client interface to novice developers.
  • Conducted regular exams on the material passed for learners.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Front-end Developer

2017 - 2018
LULU Software
  • Developed a web app for online viewing and editing PDF files.
  • Worked on the development of main company's product website.
  • Created A/B tests for new products that the company introduced.
  • Worked in a distributed team using Agile methodology.
Technologies: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Webpack, CSS Preprocessors, .NET

Front-end Developer

2016 - 2017
  • Worked on the development of the client-side web application using HTML and CSS modules and React.
  • Participated in creating and planning product requirements.
  • Presented the MVP version of the application in startup incubator based in Kyiv.
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Elasticsearch, Node.js

Soda PDF

A web application that allows users to carry out operations with PDF format files in the browser. Worked on the functionality of the web application using the Angular library. The application is adaptive, which means that it has a separate mobile version and a separate desktop version.


Built front-end part from scratch using the latest version of React and React Apollo. Components are isolated using monorepo approach. The front end is implemented using functional components and hooks. We used TypeScript on both the back and front end to make code readable, supportable, and scalable.

My Cryptopixels

A web application built with Svelte on the front end that provides an ability to interact with a canvas designed by everyone that turns into an NFT, then users are able to share rewards every time it's sold


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, GraphQL, HTML5


Redux, NestJS, Svelte, .NET


React, CSSinJS, Node.js, Emotion Library


React Apollo, Auth0, Webpack, Slack, Zoom, Skype, Jira


PostgreSQL, MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Redis, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


CSS Preprocessors, Accessibility, Computer Engineering, System Programming, Monorepos, Architecture




MacOS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

2016 - 2018

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics - Kharkiv, Ukraine

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics - Kharkiv, Ukraine


AWS S3 Basics


Collaboration That Works

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