Samuel Gomes, Developer in Barcelona, Spain
Samuel is available for hire
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Samuel Gomes

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Solution Architect and Developer

Barcelona, Spain
Toptal Member Since
June 16, 2021

Sam是一位拥有15年以上经验的全地形解决方案架构师. 他的职业生涯始于全栈c#开发人员,此后一直是技术主管, delivery manager, project manager, database administrator, and head of development. Sam has led and developed sales, marketing, field service, mobile banking, 以及为IWG等客户提供的电子学习解决方案, Unilever, P&G, Santander, Bosch, L'Oréal, and Carrefour. 他喜欢解决问题,并亲自动手满足客户的需求.


Freelance (Toptal Clients)
Oracle, Oracle Application Express (APEX), PostgreSQL...
International Workplace Group (IWG)
c#, Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Power BI, Databricks, SQL, Azure SQL...
C#, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jenkins, Docker...




Preferred Environment

PostgreSQL, Node.js、c#、Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Azure、Microsoft SQL Server、Apache Kafka、Jira、Confluence、api

The most amazing...

...我参与的解决方案帮助企业将销售工作流程数字化, retail marketing, field service, mobile banking, and e-learning markets.

Work Experience

Data Engineer

2021 - PRESENT
Freelance (Toptal Clients)
  • 将一个Oracle APEX应用程序和数据仓库迁移到一个新的AWS RDS实例, tuning queries and optimizing database tables, such as partitioning and indexes. Tracked tasks and progress using Trello.
  • Optimized queries, databases, and server settings for querying and processing millions of records daily for a financial services company; dockerized a server running an integration application; and used Jira to track and report progress.
  • 协助一家零售公司从Microsoft SQL迁移到PostgreSQL,并优化索引和服务器配置设置.
技术:Oracle, Oracle Application Express (APEX), PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), .. NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Python, Google Cloud, Data Warehousing, Jira, Trello, Docker

Technical Solution Architect

2021 - 2021
International Workplace Group (IWG)
  • 设计解决方案,统一客户对商务中心和客房的访问,并识别相关服务, such as printing and coffee. 该解决方案在第一阶段影响了20万客户,在第二阶段影响了200万客户.
  • 在Confluence上创建了一个技术文档模板,并将现有的解决方案迁移到其中.
  • 成为业务中心中使用的所有解决方案的核心技术参考,并与其他解决方案架构师和企业架构师合作创建约定和标准.
Technologies: c#, Azure, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Power BI, Databricks, SQL, Azure SQL, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake, Jira


2014 - 2020
  • 创建新代码,将有问题的NHibernate查询从主应用程序移到PL/pgSQL存储过程中. 这使申请性能提高了230%,而同期学生人数增加了300%.
  • 与产品团队合作,将业务需求转化为技术需求,并协助开发复杂的数据库功能.
  • 使用sprint、Jira和Confluence定制了基于敏捷的项目管理方法. Implemented CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins.
  • Migrated the platform to AWS, adding fault tolerance, high availability, environment separation, and load balancing.
Technologies: C#, PostgreSQL, Node.js, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Jenkins, Docker, JasperReports, Agile, Confluence, Bitbucket, GraphQL, PL/pgSQL, SQL, ETL, Data Warehousing, Jira

Solution Architect | Project Manager

2010 - 2013
Spring Global
  • 为联合利华开发销售自动化解决方案,为宝洁公司开发零售营销方案 & 以及Santander和ItauBBA的移动银行,总共支持近50万用户.
  • 领导和协调位于巴西和哥伦比亚的3-21人团队,负责多个项目, using Jira, Confluence, and Microsoft Project.
  • 与客户的技术团队密切合作, 使用批处理文件和web服务设计复杂的集成.
Technologies: C#, ASP.NET, Microsoft SQL Server, Web Services, SAP Process Integration (PI), SAP BusinessObjects Data Service (BODS), Confluence, Project Management Professional (PMP), ETL, Data Integration, SQL, Data Modeling, Jira

Senior Software Developer | Team Leader

2006 - 2010
Spring Global
  • 为公司开发销售自动化解决方案, including Capel (beverages), Coopeuch (fintech), Bosch, and L'Oreal, increasing sales efficiency by 23%.
  • 为家乐福构建零售营销解决方案, 允许销售人员使用pda研究和报告产品价格.
  • 为SKY(卫星电视)开发现场服务解决方案, 允许技术人员管理工作订单,并与调度即时沟通.
  • 支持实时应用程序,优化数据库查询和报告.
Technologies: C#, ASP.. NET, Java, Microsoft SQL Server, SQL,数据建模,api, Web服务,数据仓库

Learnlight E-learning Platform
A C# and PostgreSQL edtech learning platform. 我优化了平台代码,将低效的NHibernate查询转换为高性能的PL/pgSQL查询. 这使我们能够将解决方案迁移到AWS ec2上,并扩大学生的数量. 我还启动了从c#到Node的迁移.js.


Sales automation, using an M-series application for Windows, Windows Mobile, and iOS, with hundreds of users in Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador, covering the foods, personal care, and ice cream divisions. 我是项目经理和解决方案架构师,与12名开发人员一起工作. 您可以在这里看到向现有和潜在客户播放的宣传视频:

Unilever Copacabana, Brazil

Sales automation, 使用Windows和iOS的m系列应用程序, for hundreds of users, nationwide in Brazil, covering the foods, personal care, and ice cream divisions. 我是解决方案架构师和项目经理,领导着一个由21名开发人员组成的团队.

Santander Mobile Banking, Brazil

An all-in-one mobile banking platform for iOS, BlackBerry, and Android, using an M-series MCP framework, with hundreds of thousands of users nationwide. 作为项目经理和技术主管,我只和三个开发人员一起交付了这个解决方案.


PL/pgSQL, SQL, C#, Java, GraphQL, C#.NET, Objective-C, Python


Agile, ETL


PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server,数据集成,Oracle PL/SQL, MongoDB, Azure SQL, Google Cloud


Data Engineering, Data Modeling, APIs, Web Services, Project Management Professional (PMP), Data Warehousing, SAP Process Integration (PI), SAP BusinessObjects Data Service (BODS), Design, Lean Project Management, Gestalt Laws, Semiotic Analysis, Azure Data Factory, Azure Data Lake


Bitbucket、Jira、Confluence、Jenkins、Microsoft Power BI、Oracle Application Express (APEX)、Trello




Node.js, JasperReports


Amazon Web Services (AWS)、Azure、Apache Kafka、Docker、Databricks、Android、iOS、Talend、Oracle

2002 - 2005

Bachelor's Degree in Graphic Design


Collaboration That Works

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