Robin Cijvat, Developer in Utrecht, Netherlands
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Robin Cijvat

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Utrecht, Netherlands
Toptal Member Since
May 15, 2017

Robin是一个有干劲和热情的全栈软件开发人员,具有很强的解决问题的能力. 他在将客户和业务需求转化为产品方面有丰富的经验, robust, scalable and visually outstanding software applications. Robin对大量数据(前端)应用程序和复杂数据可视化的开发特别感兴趣. Some of his favorite technologies include Angular, D3.js, Spring Boot, and Reactor.

Reactor, Spring Boot, Spring, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MongoDB, Kotlin...
MonetDB Solutions
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, C, Less, D3.js, AngularJS, MonetDB, Python...




Preferred Environment

亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、谷歌云平台(GCP)、Docker、Git、IntelliJ IDEA、MacOS

The most amazing... I've built takes any textual input file, automatically detects its data format, parses it, detects clustering within the data, and visualizes it.

Work Experience

Tech Lead

2020 - PRESENT
  • 组织并领导团队重新设计和实现公司范围内的单点登录集成.
  • 领导了100多个web应用微服务向Google Cloud的迁移.
  • 评估并实施计划,以改善开发团队的技术健康状况.

Full-stack Software Engineer

2016 - 2018
  • 实现了一个微服务,它聚合了来自20多个其他微服务的数据,为零售商生成了一个可操作的分类概述. 使用的技术包括Spring Boot、Java 8、Reactor和Angular.
  • 使用Spring Boot和Reactor设计并实现了一个产品内容REST API.
  • 在整个Bol中建立跟踪产品内容更新的系统.com IT landscape using Spring Boot, Reactor, and Kotlin.
  • 使用Spring Boot和Angular建立前端微服务架构.
  • 使用GCP设计和实现数据密集型应用程序, Spring Boot, Reactor, Kotlin, Java 8, PostgreSQL, and Angular.
Technologies: Reactor, Spring Boot, Spring, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), MongoDB, Kotlin, Scala, Java, Lodash, Jenkins, Sass, JavaScript, Angular, AngularJS

Full-stack Developer

2014 - 2016
MonetDB Solutions
  • Developed a highly interactive, 基于web的应用程序,通过Node引导用户浏览他们的(大)数据.js, Express.js, AngularJS, and D3.js.
  • 构建基于web的分析器工具,使用MonetDB提供运行数据库查询的实时洞察, Python, Websockets, AngularJS, and D3.js.
  • 创建了一个基于c语言的MonetDB DNA分析模块,允许生命科学家对大量DNA数据进行有效的数据库内分析.
  • Set up an AWS-based continuous integration process.
技术:亚马逊网络服务(AWS)、Docker、C、Less、D3.js, AngularJS, MonetDB, Python, Node.js

Owner | Full-stack Web Developer

2008 - 2014
R.B.N.Web Development
  • 将客户需求转化为功能性(主要是基于web的)软件应用程序.
  • 设计并实现内容管理系统(CMS),方便客户独立管理应用程序.
  • Set up a dating website.
  • 重构并扩展了一个基于codeigniter的拍卖web应用程序.
  • 为MonetDB实现了一个高度优化的C模块,可以在数据库中分析DNA数据.
技术:C, MonetDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, HTML, CSS, jQuery UI, jQuery, JavaScript, PHP

Design and Implementation of a Product Content API

At Bol.在网站上,产品内容在到达网店之前要经过许多微服务. To hide the dazzling complexity of all these processes, I designed and implemented a product content (REST) API.

技术:Spring Boot, Kotlin, Reactor, Swagger, GCP

Microservice Data Tracing

ROLE: Tech Lead

作为技术主管,我建立了一个系统,通过几个微服务跟踪数据上传. 本系统可用于实时提供任何数据上传的当前状态信息.

Bol.Com是一个其他企业可以销售产品的平台. 为了做到这一点,我们为他们提供了许多上传欧博体育app下载的渠道. 此欧博体育app下载的处理是异步工作的,可能需要几个小时. 多年来,我们没有对这些数据上传提供任何反馈. 多亏了这个追踪系统,用户现在可以得到关于上传过程的宝贵反馈.

技术:Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Reactor, Swagger, Angular, D3.js, GCP

Setup of the Front-end Microservice Architecture

At Bol.有数百个微服务组成了IT领域. However, 前端应用程序很难拆分并划分到几个微服务上, and therefore these were still built as monoliths.

在几次将前端应用推向微服务的迭代中,我扮演了领导角色. 我建立了一个架构的很大一部分,它已经被Bol的许多前端团队使用.com over the last three years.

Technologies: Spring Boot, Swagger, AngularJS, Angular

Node.js Database Client for MonetDB
MonetDB has developed its own protocol: MAPI. Together with other colleagues, I developed a Node.基于js的数据库客户端,使用此协议与正在运行的数据库服务器通信, to enable Node.js developers to easily query their MonetDB database.

Rich Data Visualizations at MonetDB Solutions

I developed a highly interactive, 基于web的应用程序,引导用户浏览他们的(大)数据,而无需事先了解这些数据.

Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, AngularJS, D3.js

Web-based Database Profiler Tool

At MonetDB Solutions, I had access to an experimental feature of MonetDB, 哪个通过套接字发布了实时分析信息. 我开发了一个Python web服务器来监听这个套接字, 为浏览器准备这些数据,并通过web套接字提供. 我构建了一个附带的前端应用程序,将这些分析信息可视化为实时甘特图, 传递每个CPU核心上正在发生的事情的信息.

Technologies: MonetDB, Python, Websockets, AngularJS, D3.js


JavaScript, Java 8, Kotlin, Sass, PHP 5, C, SQL, HTML5, CSS, PHP, HTML, Python, Less, Java, C++, Python 3, Scala


Angular, Vanilla JS, AngularJS, Bootstrap 3, Express.js, Spring 5, Spring Boot, Spring, CodeIgniter


D3.js, REST APIs, Lodash, Node.js, jQuery, jQuery UI, HTML5 Canvas, Reactor


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Reactive Programming, Asynchronous Programming, Kanban, Scrum, Functional Programming, API Architecture


MonetDB, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)


Code Architecture, SVG, Data Architecture, Data Structures, Technical Leadership, System Architecture


邮差,Git, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub, IntelliJ IDEA, Jenkins, Rundeck, Cucumber



2012 - 2014

Master's Degree in Computing Science

Utrecht University - Utrecht, The Netherlands

2009 - 2012

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Utrecht University - Utrecht, The Netherlands

2009 - 2009

Diploma (VWO) in Mathematics

High School State Exam - The Netherlands

2008 - 2009

Propaedeutic Study in Technical Computer Science

Applied University - Utrecht, The Netherlands

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