Ricardo Filipe Reiter, Developer in Florianópolis - State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
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Ricardo Filipe Reiter

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Florianópolis - State of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Toptal Member Since
July 18, 2017

Ricardo has over nine years of software development experience—working with plenty of different technologies, from full-stack web development with old and new technologies to Android games. He is a fast-learning professional who's always studying new frameworks/technologies that could give his clients the highest-quality products.


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, JavaScript, Three.js, AWS Lambda...
Cor10 Studios
Git, JavaScript, Xero, HubSpot, Spring, Java, HTML, Node.js, AngularJS
Git, JavaScript, Sass, React, Elm




Preferred Environment

Git, Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

The most amazing...

...project I've worked on was a 2D Android game made with Unity3D, integrating it with Amazon Web Services to have a small online social network in-game.

Work Experience

Full-stack Developer

2017 - PRESENT
  • Supported a 3D web app with React.js, Redux, and WebGL by fixing bugs and implementing new features.
  • Created a webhook system in the API using AWS SQS and AWS Lambda—triggering user's WebHooks when needed.
  • Created an integration of the 3D app API with HubSpot and SharpSpring.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Git, JavaScript, Three.js, AWS Lambda, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Amazon DynamoDB, WebGL, Node.js, Redux, React

Full-stack Developer

2017 - 2018
Cor10 Studios
  • Worked on a Node.js application that makes a HubSpot-Xero integration.
  • Developed the company's Java API with Java Spring and Hibernate.
  • Created a portal for architecture project price estimation, using React.js and Redux on the front-end and Spring Boot with MongoDB on the back-end.
Technologies: Git, JavaScript, Xero, HubSpot, Spring, Java, HTML, Node.js, AngularJS

Front-end Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Developed the front-end of an app with Elm and React.
  • Converted parts of the front-end application from React to Elm.
Technologies: Git, JavaScript, Sass, React, Elm

Back-end Developer

2017 - 2017
Bolt Containers
  • Created a Node.js application that integrates Xero with Bluefolder—creating Bluefolder tickets and Xero purchase orders from Xero invoices.
Technologies: Git, Bluefolder API, Xero, Node.js

Software Developer

2012 - 2016
Senior Sistemas
  • Migrated the company's framework from Delphi to Java.
  • Maintained a Delphi-to-Java converter; written in Java.
  • Developed and maintained an automated visual testing framework that works with the company's Java technology.
  • Maintained the company's JavaEE Framework (Senior Tools).
  • Helped to implement Git in the framework maintenance area.
  • Developed a full-stack internal application that controls the critical analysis of all the company's software bugs.
Technologies: Git, JavaScript, Spring Boot, Eclipse, Node.js, Angular, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Delphi, Java


I developed a 2D Android game with another engineer, a game designer, and a 2D artist. I worked as software engineer and game designer on this project.

The project was made with Unity3D and C#. I used AWS (Amazon) to make the online integration, including Amazon Cognito to control the user identities and synchronize the data across devices, and Amazon DynamoDB for online game ranking.

Java 7 SE Programmer Certified Associate

I have an Oracle's Java 7 Programmer certification.

Scout Group's Website

I developed a website for a scout group from Blumenau in 2012.

The project was built with PHP, MySQL, and Apache.

Bewe Back-End

I developed the back-end of a small Android project for a client; built with Spring Boot and MongoDB.

Bootstrap Drilldown Select

A Bootstrap drill down selector.

I helped the project with some new functionalities that I thought were missing for a personal project.

Analise Crítica | Senior Sistemas

I developed an internal tool to help developers and managers to keep track and register a critical analysis of all the company's software bugs.

I worked mostly on the front-end but implemented some changes in the back-end as well.
- Front-end work: a single page application made with Angular, Bootstrap, Node.js, and Express.
- Back-end work: Spring Boot RESTful API with SQL Server.
2013 - 2018

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau - Blumenau, Brazil

2016 - 2017

Participated in an Exchange Program in Computer Science

Högskolan i Halmstad - Halmstad, Sweden

2011 - 2012

Technician Degree in Software Development

CEDUP Hermann Hering - Blumenau, Brazil


Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer



React, REST APIs, WebGL, Bluefolder API, Google API, Node.js, Three.js


Eclipse IDE, Git, SourceTree, Xero, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Sublime Text 2


JavaScript, Java, CSS, C#, HTML, SQL, Elm, Sass, PHP, Delphi


Redux, AngularJS, JSON Web Tokens (JWT), JUnit, Spring Boot, Angular, Spring, Express.js, Unity3D, Ext JS


Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Design Patterns, Test-driven Development (TDD), REST


Visual Studio Code (VS Code), Oracle Database, Windows, Oracle, Eclipse, HubSpot, AWS Lambda, Amazon Web Services (AWS), JEE, Android, Linux


Amazon DynamoDB, Microsoft SQL Server, MongoDB, MySQL


Full-stack, GitFlow, Game Development

Collaboration That Works

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