Piotr Morawski,德国巴登-符腾堡州Mittelbiberach的开发人员
Piotr is available for hire
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Piotr Morawski

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Toptal Member Since
October 24, 2022

Piotr是一名高技能的高级全栈开发人员, 在软件行业拥有非凡的8年历程. 他精通广泛的尖端网络和应用程序开发技术, encompassing React, Node.js、TypeScript、Angular、Python、Rust和Next.js. Piotr has a proven track record of contributing to projects from startups to established enterprises. 与这位有远见的开发人员联系,将您的技术愿望变为现实.


JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, Python, Angular, React, Odoo, Figma, Serverless...
Bewerbermarkt GmbH
Rust, GraphQL, Amazon Cognito, MongoDB,日本,Async-GraphQL...
Rust, REST api,多线程,脚本




Preferred Environment

NeoVim文本编辑器,Linux, Git, Zsh, Tmux, Vim文本编辑器

The most amazing...

...application I've developed was a compiler for no-code applications that enables non-programmers to develop applications for high-performance environments.

Work Experience


2020 - PRESENT
  • 通过创建定制解决方案,将德国的学校注册流程数字化, 无缝连接到所有学校的共享数据库. 这种自动化消除了纸质表格,简化了注册,并确保了数据验证.
  • Spearheaded the development of a Python-based custom drone mission planning solution integrated with Odoo ERP. 实现了广泛的扩展来监控无人机部件, track usage, 并记录任务行动,方便检索.
  • 主导开发求职匹配平台, 允许用户上传简历和相关求职数据. Utilized document parsing to automatically match users with suitable job opportunities based on their requirements.
  • 为一个医疗服务应用提供关键支持, empowering caregivers to record patient actions and set reminders for activities and medications, 加强病人护理和管理.
  • 设计并开发了一个CRM应用程序,专为纹身艺术家使用Flutter. 这个应用程序方便了客户管理, 通过身体部位追踪纹身, recorded costs, managed schedules, 精简了纹身师的工作监督.
Technologies: JavaScript, TypeScript, Rust, Python, Angular, React, Odoo, Figma, Serverless, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Heroku, Java, Spring, Microservices, Back-end, Node.js, APIs, Web Development, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, SQL, HTML, CSS, Vim Text Editor, Angular Material, Google Cloud, REST, Batch, Data Engineering, Google Material Design, Flask, Docker, Authentication, Full-stack, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Firebase Cloud Functions, Architecture, Windows, MacOS, Technical Leadership, API Integration, Front-end, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Back-end Architecture, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Requirements Analysis, SaaS, Integration, RESTful Services, Webhooks, Chatbots, Language Models, OpenAI GPT-3 API, 人工智能(AI), Next.js, Chart.js, 最小可行产品(MVP), Blockchain, 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Responsive Web Apps, Amazon Cognito, Cypress, WebSockets, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), 单页应用(SPA), NoSQL, Flutter, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Data Science, Mobile First, Sass, Semantic HTML, CI/CD Pipelines, HTML5, AWS Lambda, RDBMS, Automation, Asynchronous I/O, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), Web Design, SDKs, D3.js, Cryptocurrency, Selenium, Web App Automation, API Development, ChatGPT, Data Aggregation, Distributed Systems, Asynchronous Programming, XML Parsing, Document Parsing, Tailwind CSS, OAuth, WebGL, WordPress, Google Analytics, UI Design, Web App UI, Amazon DynamoDB, API Architecture, FastAPI, Databases, Code Review, Full-stack Development, CSV File Processing, Redux, Proof of Concept (POC), iOS, Xcode, Web Usability, DevOps, Low Latency, Low-latency Software, Web3, Design Patterns, OCR, Dart, Troubleshooting, 3D, Web Applications, Dashboards, Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Ethereum Smart Contracts, 持续集成(CI), Mobile Apps, Image Processing, Deployment, Serverless Architecture, Back-end Development, Scripting, DBX


2023 - 2024
Bewerbermarkt GmbH
  • Developed an asynchronous GraphQL API suited for very high loads with field-based access control.
  • 使用MongoDB设计并实现数据访问层.
  • 推出MVP,第一周注册用户超过1000人,拥有14个B2B客户.
  • 集成了谷歌地图API的地址解析.
  • Built a binary interface to efficiently communicate between processes that are run from the back end.
  • Developed a binary protocol with WebSockets to efficiently facilitate instant messaging communication between the client and the server.
Technologies: Rust, GraphQL, Amazon Cognito, MongoDB,日本,Async-GraphQL, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES), Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Tesseract, Next.js, React,谷歌地图,脚本


2023 - 2023
  • Developed an application that queried the REST API of a document management system and enriched all files with custom metadata.
  • 为自定义类json模板语言创建解析器,以构建元数据.
  • Implemented extensive error handling for any error that could occur in the process as this was crucial (e.g.如文件系统错误、网络错误、响应错误等.).
  • Built an orchestration mechanism to continuously have at least 10 threads running that fetch and process new data from the REST API.
  • Developed a module that would allow the injection of custom pre-process and post-process hooks during the processing of the document to generate custom metadata in addition to the metadata generated by the application.
技术:Rust, REST api,多线程,脚本


2021 - 2023
  • 为无代码流创建了一个Rust编译器, allowing all no-code applications built on the platform to be exported into Rust programs and executed with native speed.
  • 开发了一个框架来保存以太坊区块链上无法更改的数据.
  • 改进了无代码开发环境的UI和UX.
  • 开发了一个通用编译器框架,将无代码流收集到实际代码中.
  • 为应用程序构建和设计通用数据库层的体系结构.
  • Designed a Node.它解析MySQL查询并将其翻译成不同的方言, 比如Microsoft SQL Server.
  • 将React引入到应用程序的前端,将其集成到现有的代码库中.
技术:TypeScript, React, JavaScript, Node.js, Rust, HTML, CSS3, Express.js, jQuery, Gulp, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Back-end, APIs, Web Development, SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, CSS, Vim Text Editor, Angular Material, REST, Batch, Docker, Authentication, Full-stack, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Architecture, Windows, MacOS, API Integration, Front-end, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Back-end Architecture, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Requirements Analysis, SaaS, Integration, RESTful Services, Chatbots, Language Models, OpenAI GPT-3 API, 人工智能(AI), Next.js, Chart.js, 最小可行产品(MVP), Blockchain, 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Responsive Web Apps, Material UI, GraphQL, WebSockets, WebGPU着色语言(WGSL), Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), 单页应用(SPA), NoSQL, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Data Science, Mobile First, Sass, Semantic HTML, CI/CD Pipelines, HTML5, RDBMS, Automation, Asynchronous I/O, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), GitLab, Web Design, SDKs, D3.js, Cryptocurrency, API Development, Distributed Systems, Asynchronous Programming, Document Parsing, Tailwind CSS, OAuth, WebGL, UI Design, Web App UI, API Architecture, Databases, Code Review, Full-stack Development, Redux, Web3.js, Proof of Concept (POC), Single Sign-on (SSO), iOS, Web Usability, DevOps, Low Latency, Low-latency Software, Web3, No-code Development, Design Patterns, OCR, Troubleshooting, 3D, Web Applications, Dashboards, Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Ethereum Smart Contracts, 持续集成(CI), Image Processing, Deployment, Azure, Back-end Development, Scripting

Python ERP Developer

2020 - 2021
  • Developed multiple SOAP and REST interfaces for car part retailers and designed their architecture to efficiently import and organize large amounts of data in the ERP system.
  • 在Odoo中为公司的销售部门创建自定义扩展, 在系统中自动化并保留尽可能多的客户特定数据.
  • 维护公司内部ERP系统, fixing bugs, 开发业务自动化扩展, 执行应用程序升级.
  • Built a generic framework for sales and product interfaces in Odoo that efficiently handles large amounts of data from different formats like JSON and XML.
  • Implemented UI/UX improvements for a previously developed web app that organizes trainings all over the globe.
  • 为培训和研讨会规划网络应用程序设计了一个高效的通信系统. 计划培训的人员可以通知所有负责的经理, 谁能对计算参与者数量的规则给出精确的反馈.
  • 维护和改进培训和研讨会计划网络应用程序.
  • 介绍了一个医药门户网站的网页刮板和数据处理管道. It was used to gain insights into certain product defects and to revoke all affected products immediately.
技术:Python 3, Angular, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Java, Odoo, JSON, XML, SOAP, Back-end, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), APIs, Web Development, PostgreSQL, SQL, Python, Web Scraping, HTML, CSS, Vim Text Editor, REST, Data Scraping, Store Scraping, Scraping, Selenium, Batch, Google Material Design, Flask, Docker, Authentication, Full-stack, Architecture, Windows, Technical Leadership, API Integration, Front-end, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Back-end Architecture, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Requirements Analysis, Integration, RESTful Services, Webhooks, Chart.js, 最小可行产品(MVP), 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Responsive Web Apps, Cypress, WebSockets, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), Point of Sale, 单页应用(SPA), Machine Learning, Data Visualization, Data Science, Mobile First, Sass, Semantic HTML, CI/CD Pipelines, HTML5, RDBMS, Automation, Asynchronous I/O, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), Web Design, SDKs, Web App Automation, API Development, Data Aggregation, Asynchronous Programming, XML Parsing, Document Parsing, OAuth, UI Design, Web App UI, API Architecture, Databases, Code Review, Full-stack Development, CSV File Processing, Single Sign-on (SSO), iOS, Web Usability, DevOps, Design Patterns, Barcode Reader, OCR, Troubleshooting, Web Applications, Dashboards, 持续集成(CI), Mobile Apps, Image Processing, Deployment, Serverless Architecture, Back-end Development, Scripting

Python ERP和Angular前端开发人员

2019 - 2020
Ametras informatik AG
  • Developed custom extensions for Odoo to make the application fit the company's internal processes, 节省组织开销.
  • 构建了一个基于xml的界面,用于在Qlik Sense中创建管理报告, 从用于计划全球培训的应用程序中提取有意义的数据.
  • Created an XML-based interface between the company's accounting and ERP systems to automate the invoicing process.
  • 实现了一个基于Odoo的汽车零部件零售商ERP系统.
  • Introduced data processing pipelines for large lead files to optimize and automate the company's sales process.
技术:Python 3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Odoo, Pandas, backend, Node.js, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), APIs, Web Development, PostgreSQL, SQL, Python, Microsoft SQL Server, Web Scraping, HTML, CSS, Vim Text Editor, Angular Material, REST, Data Scraping, Store Scraping, Scraping, Batch, Data Engineering, Google Material Design, Flask, Docker, Authentication, Full-stack, Architecture, Windows, Technical Leadership, API Integration, Front-end, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Back-end Architecture, REST APIs, Software Architecture, Requirements Analysis, Integration, RESTful Services, Webhooks, Chart.js, 最小可行产品(MVP), 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Responsive Web Apps, Cypress, WebSockets, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), Point of Sale, 单页应用(SPA), Data Visualization, Mobile First, Sass, Semantic HTML, CI/CD Pipelines, HTML5, RDBMS, Automation, Asynchronous I/O, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), Web Design, SDKs, Selenium, Web App Automation, API Development, Asynchronous Programming, XML Parsing, Document Parsing, OAuth, UI Design, Web App UI, Amazon DynamoDB, API Architecture, RESTful Microservices, Databases, Code Review, Full-stack Development, CSV File Processing, Single Sign-on (SSO), iOS, Web Usability, DevOps, Design Patterns, Barcode Reader, OCR, Troubleshooting, Web Applications, Dashboards, 持续集成(CI), Mobile Apps, Deployment, Serverless Architecture, Back-end Development, Scripting

初级Java ERP开发员

2016 - 2019
Ametras itec GmbH
  • 开发了一个网络应用程序,在全球范围内组织基于规则的前端培训. The training organizer can drag and drop rules onto a world map and get the number of participants that meet all the applied rules.
  • Designed the whole UI and front-end application architecture and the communication between the back end and front end for the training planning web app.
  • 从头开始构建一个调查网络应用程序, 设计应用程序的体系结构, REST API, and front end, 首先专注于手机版本.
  • 为客户特定的CI实现了一个web组件库.
  • Created an analytics web app for survey responses to give workshop organizers participants feedback to improve their trainings.
  • Introduced a new internal ERP system called Odoo within the company and developed custom extensions to make it fit the internal processes and legal requirements perfectly.
  • 改进内部业务流程,将公司数据集中到一个系统中.
  • Established a bi-directional interface between the company's ERP system and Jira to keep the whole development workflow on Jira while centralizing all company data into one location.
  • 现代化了家具零售商遗留ERP系统的部分内容, 将其从单片设计转向微服务,以获得更好的可伸缩性和性能.
  • Integrated programs from an AS/400 that were written in RPG and called them from a Java back end through PCML.
Technologies: Java, Spring, Angular, Odoo, Python 3, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, IBM Db2, Crystal Reports, HTML, CSS3, Design, UX Design, Jira, Jira REST API, Figma, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, Back-end, APIs, SQL, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), CSS, REST, Batch, Google Material Design, Docker, Authentication, Windows, API Integration, Front-end, User Interface (UI), REST APIs, Integration, RESTful Services, 最小可行产品(MVP), 数据库管理系统(DBMS), Responsive Web Apps, Front-end Development, ECMAScript (ES6), Point of Sale, Semantic HTML, HTML5, RDBMS, Automation, SDKs, API Development, Data Aggregation, XML Parsing, Document Parsing, API Architecture, RESTful Microservices, Databases, Code Review, Full-stack Development, CSV File Processing, DevOps, Design Patterns, Troubleshooting, Web Applications, 持续集成(CI), Mobile Apps, Deployment, Serverless Architecture, Back-end Development, Scripting

Global Training App

I spearheaded the comprehensive development of a web application for a prestigious German car manufacturer, 革新新产品发布的全球培训计划.

This dynamic application empowered training planners to strategically apply rules across a world map, 准确估计各国的培训需求, roles, and more. Post-planning, 它为每个国家编制了全面的培训摘要, 促进市场业主之间的讨论和合同签订. 可定制的规则简化了参与者的计算, 利用汽车制造商的员工数据库获取实时数据.

前端,用Node构建.js和Angular,与PostgreSQL数据库无缝协调. On the back end, Java and Spring Boot, 辅以有策略地使用lambda, ensured a successful 2-year development journey that significantly transformed the company's training process, 取代过时的电子表格与精确, efficient, 数据驱动的解决方案.


I embarked on a personal side project that culminated in a remarkable web application tailored for PUBG (Player Unknown's Battlegrounds) enthusiasts. This innovative platform empowered players to orchestrate tournaments and scrutinize their gameplay performance. 利用官方游戏API, 它提供实时比赛分析, 为团队和个人构建全面的计分板. 用户可以深入了解玩家的表现, 从整体成就到每场比赛的统计数据. 进一步提升体验, 我引入了一个重放功能,允许用户重看比赛, 完成记录的游戏内事件, 所有这些都在浏览器中显示.

Remarkably, 这款应用迅速在电子竞技社区获得了关注, amassing over 10,在没有任何营销努力的情况下,3个月内获得了1000个独立日用户. 事实上,游戏中的所有比赛都采用了我们的平台进行计划和分析.

这款应用也迎合了职业玩家的需求, 提供深入的比赛分析, movement scrutiny, 以及通过回放功能来发展战略.


No-code Platform

我是一个开创性的无代码平台背后的关键核心团队成员. 我们制作了一种类似于虚幻引擎蓝图的可视化编程语言, 通过合并数据简化应用程序开发, UI, and logic into one layer, 消除了传统分层的复杂性.

我的贡献包括构建一个与MySQL兼容的独立数据库层, Postgres, and MS SQL. 我领导了从纯HTML和JQuery到React和Webpack的前端转换, enhancing usability. The platform facilitated collaborative work through WebSockets, and its back end was entirely Node.js with TypeScript. 我们提供了各种各样的构建模块, from basic to high-level, akin to Excel formulas, 使没有编码经验的用户能够使应用程序适应他们的特定需求. 此外,我将UI编辑器修改为WYSIWYG,提升了开发体验.


我成功地为无代码应用程序开发了一个Rust编译器, 使用户能够以接近本机的速度执行这些应用程序. Through WebSockets, 该应用程序促进了无缝通信, 分析潜在的执行路径并验证应用程序的功能. 它小心翼翼地导航着这些路径, 在虚拟文件系统上生成一个完整的Rust项目, 它后来通过一个二进制接口通过STDIN/STDOUT编译和调用. 利用SIMD和WGPU组件, 编译器擅长对大量数据集进行矩阵计算. 由于我的Rust专业知识,我独自承担了这个项目, 在政府机构的资助下.


我成功地为一家无人机制造商制作了一个定制的无人机任务规划解决方案. 利用Python并在开源ERP系统Odoo上构建, 客户已经使用了哪些, 我开发了一个能够协调多天的应用程序, 多飞行无人机任务. 每一次任务行动都被细致地记录下来,以确保全面的记录. The application seamlessly interfaced with the drone via an API, providing real-time health data. 它跟踪了无人机从维护到产品开发的所有变化. 无论是测试还是商业飞行,这款应用程序都有助于飞行计划. Furthermore, 它提供了深入的分析, including flight hours, accidents, 对授权进行细致的记录, 对飞行员和无人机都有利.

Notably, 这个解决方案允许客户从Jira过渡过来, streamlining mission planning into a dedicated software that lightened the workload on pilots and ensured compliance with all legal requirements.
2016 - 2019




Node.js, React, REST API, API开发,Jira REST API, Pandas, Chart.js, D3.. js、WebGL、jQuery、WebGPU着色语言(WGSL)、WebGPU、Web3.js, Google Maps


Vim Text Editor, Odoo, Figma, Jira, Git, Mongoose, Amazon Cognito, GitLab, Google Analytics, Crystal Reports, Gulp, Zsh, Tmux, Adobe体验设计(XD), Webpack, ChatGPT, Xcode, Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)


Angular, Angular Material, Selenium, Express.js, Flask,顺风CSS, Next.. js, Material UI, Cypress, Flutter, Redux, Spring Boot, Spring, Hibernate


Rust, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python 3, CSS3, GraphQL, SQL, HTML, Python, CSS, Batch, SCSS, ECMAScript (ES6), Sass, Semantic HTML, HTML5, XML, Visual Basic 6 (VB6), Java, C#, Dart, Solidity


REST, Asynchronous Programming, API Architecture, UX Design, Microservices, ETL, Back-end Architecture, Requirements Analysis, Agile Project Management, 持续集成(CI), Data Science, Automation, UI Design, DevOps, Design Patterns, Serverless Architecture


JSON, Redis, RDBMS, XML Parsing, Databases, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, 数据库管理系统(DBMS), NoSQL, Amazon DynamoDB, IBM Db2, Google Cloud, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon S3 (AWS S3)

Industry Expertise

Web Design


Linux, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Docker, Windows, Blockchain, AWS Lambda, Heroku, 谷歌云平台(GCP), MacOS, WordPress, iOS, Ethereum, Azure


NeoVim Text Editor, Back-end, APIs, Web Development, Web Scraping, Data Scraping, Store Scraping, Scraping, Full-stack, API Integration, Front-end, Integration, RESTful Services, Responsive Web Apps, WebSockets, Front-end Development, 单页应用(SPA), Mobile First, Asynchronous I/O, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), Document Parsing, Code Review, Full-stack Development, CSV File Processing, Troubleshooting, Web Applications, Back-end Development, Scripting, Design, Serverless, Google Material Design, Authentication, Architecture, Technical Leadership, User Interface (UI), User Experience (UX), Software Architecture, Webhooks, 人工智能(AI), 最小可行产品(MVP), Point of Sale, Machine Learning, Data Visualization, CI/CD Pipelines, SDKs, Cryptocurrency, Web App Automation, Data Aggregation, Distributed Systems, OAuth, Web App UI, FastAPI, RESTful Microservices, Proof of Concept (POC), Single Sign-on (SSO), Web Usability, Low Latency, Low-latency Software, Web3, No-code Development, Barcode Reader, OCR, 3D, Dashboards, Mobile Apps, Image Processing, Deployment, SOAP, Data Engineering, Firebase Cloud Functions, Front-end Architecture, ClickUp, IT Project Management, Apollo, SaaS, Chatbots, Language Models, OpenAI GPT-3 API, Compilers, SIMD, Smart Contracts, Ethereum Smart Contracts, Japan, Async-GraphQL, Tesseract, Multithreading, DBX

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