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验证专家  in 工程



Divjot has a total of six years of experience in front-end development. He has mostly worked with React and Vanilla JS on various verticals, 例如银行应用程序, 娱乐网站, B2B应用程序, 游戏应用程序, 和一个电子商务应用程序. 他对颤振也有Experience.


颤振, 重火力点, JavaScript, API集成, 动画, CSS3动画, iOS...
颤振、节点.. js、React、谷歌云平台(GCP)、MySQL...
React, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, NPM, 前端, 后端, 完整的, Node.js...





JavaScript, React, 重火力点, 颤振, HTML, CSS, Redux, 响应用户界面, Web开发, 应用程序开发


...thing I've developed is a 颤振 application that allows users to participate in esports tournaments. 我只花了一个星期的时间从零开始学习颤振.


Mobile 颤振开发人员

2023 - 2023
  • Developed an MVP app that allowed users to stream videos back to back.
  • Used 重火力点 to integrate chat and video actions in the app.
  • Created a Wrapper video streaming widget that could play videos from Facebook, YouTube, 或者任何其他流媒体平台.
技术:颤振, 重火力点, JavaScript, API集成, 动画, CSS3动画, iOS, 安卓, 移动应用程序, 像素完美, 完整的开发, 用户体验(UX), Design, Airtable, REST, 手机第一, Heroku, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 移动开发, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, Mobile, iPhone, Xcode, Web UX, Web UI, 颤振Flow, 没有代码开发


2022 - 2023
  • Developed an app that allowed users to track their cannabis consumption.
  • Discussed the requirements with the client and created a design doc and timeline sheet.
  • 参考Figma创建一个像素完美的用户界面.
技术:颤振、节点.. js、React、谷歌云平台(GCP)、MySQL, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), API集成, 动画, iOS, 安卓, 移动应用程序, 像素完美, 完整的开发, 用户体验(UX), Design, REST, 手机第一, Heroku, 移动开发, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, Mobile, iPhone, Xcode, Web UX, Web UI, 没有代码开发, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM)


2022 - 2022
  • Developed an app that allowed users to select songs for a club.
  • Added different user roles for the app, including user, DJ, and moderator roles.
  • Integrated the YouTube API into the app to look for the songs.
  • 使用重火力点为应用程序添加了三种登录机制.
Technologies: React, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, NPM, 前端, 后端, 完整的, Node.js, 重火力点, 重火力点托管, YouTube API, GitLab, GitLab CI / CD, 意旨, Prismic, 引导, 响应设计, API集成, 动画, CSS3动画, 反应的路由器, Axios, 像素完美, JSX, 完整的开发, 用户体验(UX), Design, Airtable, REST, 手机第一, Heroku, 响应式网页设计(RWD), Web, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, Mobile, 前端构建工具, 谷歌云, Vercel, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM)


2020 - 2022
  • Developed a grocery store application using 颤振 and Dart for the front end and 打印稿, Node.js和重火力点作为后端.
  • 将支付网关与应用程序成功集成.
  • 成功将app交付给客户端. 该应用已被1000多名安卓和iOS用户使用.
  • Implemented speech-to-text conversion to search for the items in the app.
技术:颤振, Dart, 集团模式, 重火力点, Node.js,授权.net, 完整的, Google Maps API, 云Firestore, Express.js, Flux, NoSQL, Google Maps API (GeoJSON), CI / CD管道, 单元测试, 语音到文本的转换, 文本转语音(TTS), 响应设计, Figma, 动画, iOS, 安卓, 移动应用程序, 像素完美, 完整的开发, 用户体验(UX), Design, REST, 手机第一, 移动开发, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, Mobile, iPhone, Xcode

技术人员| UI工程师

2019 - 2022
  • Developed two to three products using a react-redux, 打印稿, and Node.js stack that allowed users to create and participate in esports tournaments and create and promote gaming guilds.
  • Developed numerous features for the product and fixed already existing bugs.
  • Involved in the launch process of the 颤振-based application for iOS and 安卓, resulting in the application reaching one million downloads on 安卓.
技术:JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Redux, 响应用户界面, React, 重火力点, Web开发, Node.js, 混合应用程序, 前端, 前端开发, REST api, PWA, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), APIs, 打印稿, HTML5, AngularJS, 颤振, 函数式编程, 软件, Jest, MongoDB, GitHub, CSS3, Sass, Git, 技术文档, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Next.js, 代码评审, 技术招聘, ECMAScript (ES6), 云Firestore, 重火力点身份验证, 重火力点云功能, 用户界面(UI), 移动应用开发, 材料界面, JSON, Dart, 反应回来的, Gatsby, 完整的, Flux, NoSQL, 面试, Google Maps API (GeoJSON), CI / CD管道, 单元测试, 语音到文本的转换, 文本转语音(TTS), 响应设计, Figma, i18n, API集成, CSS3动画, 反应的路由器, Axios, 像素完美, JSX, 完整的开发, REST, 手机第一, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 搜索引擎优化工具, Web, 游戏开发, 数据分析, 重火力点分析, 前端构建工具, 谷歌云, Vercel, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM)


2018 - 2019
  • 参与公司多个网站项目.
  • Added new features like infinite scrolling to the home page.
  • Worked on improving the UI of several websites like Times Travel and Times Food.
  • Worked on a POC for the 颤振-based application for the times food website.
技术:XSLT, JavaScript, React, HTML, CSS, 响应用户界面, 重火力点, Web开发, jQuery, 前端, 前端开发, REST api, PWA, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), APIs, 打印稿, HTML5, 颤振, 函数式编程, 软件, MongoDB, GitHub, CSS3, Sass, Git, 技术文档, Next.js, 代码评审, 技术招聘, ECMAScript (ES6), 云Firestore, 重火力点身份验证, 重火力点云功能, 用户界面(UI), 移动应用开发, 材料界面, 谷歌分析, JSON, 反应回来的, Gatsby, 完整的, 响应设计, Figma, i18n, 反应的路由器, 像素完美, JSX, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 搜索引擎优化工具, Web, 前端构建工具


2018 - 2018
  • 修改了现有应用程序的UI.
  • 使用AngularJS创建应用程序的新UI.
  • Performed performance optimization to decrease the first load time of the application home page.
技术:JavaScript, AngularJS, CSS, HTML, 响应用户界面, React, 重火力点, Redux, Web开发, jQuery, 前端, 前端开发, REST api, APIs, 打印稿, HTML5, 函数式编程, 软件, Jest, MongoDB, GitHub, CSS3, Sass, Git, 技术文档, Next.js, 代码评审, ECMAScript (ES6), 用户界面(UI), 材料界面, 谷歌分析, JSON, 引导, 响应设计, Figma, 像素完美, 搜索引擎优化工具, Web, 数据分析, PostgreSQL


2016 - 2017
  • Helped develop a hybrid mobile application that used 科尔多瓦 to create a banking application.
  • Created a Windows native plugin using WinJS for the application.
  • Added features like image cropping, signature canvas, and custom camera to the application.
技术:JavaScript, 科尔多瓦, AngularJS, Web开发, 应用程序开发, 混合应用程序, 响应用户界面, React, 重火力点, HTML, CSS, jQuery, Node.js, 前端, 前端开发, REST api, PWA, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), APIs, 打印稿, HTML5, 函数式编程, 软件, Jest, MongoDB, GitHub, CSS3, Git, 技术文档, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), Next.js, 代码评审, ECMAScript (ES6), 用户界面(UI), 移动应用开发, 材料界面, JSON, SQL, 引导, API集成, 像素完美, Web, Ionic, PostgreSQL, WinJS


A 颤振-based application that enabled users to log in to the app and create esports tournaments. Other users can then log in to the application as players and participate in the tournaments created. This application automated the whole flow of creating tournaments, 玩家注册, 创建对位, 最终确定每场比赛的结果, 宣布获胜者, 分发奖品, if any.


A marketplace where users can sell, view, 购买nft. 用户可以查看和关注不同的nft创建者, 查看并喜欢与游戏相关的nft, NFT细节, 列出待售的NFT, 购买nft. The user is required to connect a Blocto wallet to list or purchase NFTs.


Developed a 颤振-based grocery store application that allowed customers to log in as users or shop owners.

The user was allowed to view the items 可用 in the store and add them to the cart. The user can then purchase the items, make a payment, and place the order through the application. Store owners are allowed to view the orders and update their state accordingly. Furthermore, the user could also track the status of the placed order.

This app also included speech-to-text conversion for search functionality.


A hybrid mobile application is used to automate the process of opening bank accounts. The application was built using 科尔多瓦, and I also used HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The application contained forms and documents attachments required for the account opening and sent to the server. The application also tracked the status of the account application.


I developed a movie and TV series listing created using data from IMDB APIs. The user can filter the movies or TV shows based on popular movies, 即将到来的, 热门电视节目, 和剧院. Also, the user can see the details of any title and watch the trailer, cast, and synopsis.


JavaScript, HTML, CSS, 打印稿, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, ECMAScript (ES6), Dart, SQL, XSLT, SCSS, GraphQL, C#


颤振, Redux,下一个.js, 材料界面, Tailwind CSS, Flux, 引导, Ionic, AngularJS, Jest, Express.js, ASP.NET

库/ api

React, jQuery, Node.js, REST api, 反应回来的, 反应的路由器, Google Maps API (GeoJSON), Authorize.. net,谷歌地图API, YouTube API, WinJS


GitHub, Git, 重火力点身份验证, 谷歌分析, Figma, JSX, GitLab, GitLab CI / CD, Xcode, 前端构建工具, Webpack, NPM, 重火力点分析


应用程序开发, 函数式编程, REST, 响应式网页设计(RWD), 移动开发, 用户体验设计, 用户界面设计, 模型视图视图模型(MVVM), 模块化的CSS, 单元测试


重火力点, Web, 亚马逊网络服务(AWS), 意旨, iOS, 安卓, Heroku, Mobile, 颤振Flow, Vercel, 区块链平台, 谷歌云平台(GCP), Amazon EC2


MongoDB, 云Firestore, JSON, NoSQL, PostgreSQL, 谷歌云, MySQL


Web开发, 响应用户界面, 前端, 前端开发, APIs, 软件, 技术文档, 代码评审, 重火力点云功能, 用户界面(UI), 移动应用开发, 完整的, 响应设计, API集成, 像素完美, 渐进式Web应用程序(PWA), PWA, 面试, 技术招聘, Gatsby, 语音到文本的转换, 文本转语音(TTS), Prismic, i18n, 动画, CSS3动画, 移动应用程序, Axios, 完整的开发, 用户体验(UX), Design, Airtable, 手机第一, 搜索引擎优化工具, 游戏开发, iPhone, Web UX, Web UI, 没有代码开发, 科尔多瓦, 混合应用程序, UI开发, 集团模式, CI / CD管道, 后端, 重火力点托管, 数据分析

2012 - 2016


National Institute of Technology Hamirpur - Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India



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