Antonio Stepien, Developer in Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Antonio is available for hire
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Antonio Stepien

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Embedded Software Engineer and Developer

Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
Toptal Member Since
November 3, 2020

Antonio's experience is in the areas of embedded systems, firmware, hardware, and software development. He has worked in the automotive, avionic, 作为国防部门的高级软件工程师,在所有软件开发层面都有充分的实践经验, including performance, functional, integration, system, regression, and user acceptance testing. 安东尼奥是一个支持和热情的团队成员,致力于简化流程和有效地解决项目问题的领导者.


Toyota Material Handling, Inc - Main
Embedded C++, C++, Internet of Things (IoT), CANopen, CAN Bus
I2C, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)...
MAS Zengrange




Preferred Environment

Flutter, Ruby, Python, c++ 11, C, Eclipse IDE,脚本,Shell, Windows, Linux

The most amazing...

...things I've developed were a lot of embedded products for automotive, industrial, and military industries.

Work Experience

Embedded C++ Developer

2021 - 2022
Toyota Material Handling, Inc - Main
  • 与架构团队领导合作,管理三个负责架构文档和开发的团队. Also accountable for integration team of two members.
  • 使用Azure DevOps管理文档审核流程、代码审核、Ci/CD和集成流程.
  • Reached documentation integration, design review, and validation in eight months of work, 允许Toyota Material Handling对业务和系统需求与实现有清晰的可见性.

Senior Software Embedded Engineer (Remote Role)

2019 - 2022
  • 采用北欧nRF52软件和ANT+框架开发系统控制单元.
  • 创建了实现不同传感器的库和驱动程序, CAN, pressure sensor, battery management systems, and gyroscope.
  • 为首辆水翼自行车的300名用户开发了Manta5应用程序.
Technologies: I2C, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART), Accelerometers, GPS, Bluetooth LE, Device Firmware Updates (DFU), Bitbucket API, Docker, Bitbucket, Nordic nRF52, Bluetooth, DevOps, Embedded C

Senior Software Engineer

2018 - 2021
MAS Zengrange
  • 为遗留和新开发流程开发整个CI/CD环境. 使用开源工具,如Jenkins, GitLab, Docker和企业工具,如LDRA.
  • 创建了一个新的弹道和火力系统控制兵团应用使用坚固耐用的笔记本电脑.
  • 实现企业级操作的完整开发过程,没有任何外部依赖,因为公司在本地维护整个系统.
Technologies: Cortex-M微控制器,Cortex-M0处理器,GNU工具链,MISRA遵从性, IEC 61508, C++, Embedded C, Linux, Jenkins, Ruby, Python, DevOps, Safety-critical

Software Integration Engineer

2018 - 2018
Martin JetPack
  • Developed and integrated a few systems during my short time. 例如,我将所有保存在CSV文件中的旧数据库裁剪为MongoDB.
  • Fixed a few bugs in the flight data recorder system. 它是使用嵌入式软件在赛普拉斯微控制器PSoC 5LP Cortex-M3上开发的.
  • 增加了一个引导程序到飞行数据记录器,并通过USB将下载速度从40分钟提高到8分钟.
Technologies: C#, Python, Embedded C, MongoDB, Databases

Senior Software Engineer

2016 - 2018
Link ECU Management
  • 将Link ECU产品转移到一个全新的平台,因为主微控制器已经过时.
  • 采用基于系统当前特性和新特性共性的可重用编程. 我为这些新技术实现了所有编译器、调试器、跟踪和ide的设置.
  • 使用MISRA C规则对先前的团队进行技术和编码方面的培训,用于防御编码方法. 它解决了以前产品中存在的不良实践问题.
Technologies: Real-time Operating System (RTOS), Cortex M4, AUTOSAR, MISRA Compliance, C#, Embedded C, Git

Embedded Engineer - Contractor

2014 - 2016
  • 为架构ARM Cortex-M0/M3微控制器和PIC18F开发固件. Also uCLinux development for Gateway using Wifi and Bluetooth. These products were the beginning of the HomeAutomation product family,.
  • 对团队进行SVN服务器和subversion系统的培训,因为他们之前没有任何监督系统.
  • Helped the R&D团队从一个简单的产品转向一个新的可持续的产品开发过程.
Technologies: Bluetooth, WiFi, uClinux, Linux, Embedded C

Project Manager

2014 - 2016
  • 管理一个由五名开发人员组成的团队,支持数据库服务器和电子产品生产/开发的所有产品.
  • Reduced the production cost by rearranging the product portfolio. 提高了生产管理的效率,完善了新产品的路线图.
  • Used Agile methodologies to improve the deliverables from the R&D team and reducing the project's timelines.
Technologies: ARM Architecture, File Systems, USB, RFID, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), M2M, Ethernet, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Embedded C, C#, Project Management

Embedded Engineer

2013 - 2014
Creare Systems
  • 在Cortex-A8平台上使用嵌入式Linux开发了一种新型人体计算机的原型, Cortex-M4 for sensors, GSM, and GPS technologies. This prototype was phase one for the new product generation.
  • Learned the entire Linux toolchain. Built and developed process for Linux Embedded within three months.
  • Delivered the project on time for the next stage for testing. The time frame for this project was 14 months.
Technologies: GNU Toolchain, Linux Device Driver, Linux, Embedded C

Developer Engineer

2009 - 2013
  • 开发了用户与ecu之间的USB通信和接口, wireless, ethernet, CAN (controller area network). Also created products using micro-controllers 8/16/24/32bits. It is in several architectures as RISC, MIPS, ARM, and PowerPC.
  • 使用微控制器为ecu的自动化测试创建了一个测试平台.
  • 为每个特定嵌入式平台的所有产品开发引导加载程序固件.
Technologies: Cortex M3, C#, Bootloaders, Intel MCS-51 (8051), Microchip PIC18, PIC32, PIC16, Embedded C

Embedded System Developer

2007 - 2009
Actia of Brazil
  • 逆向工程汽车电子模块,并在ISO TS16949:2002中开发测试流程.
  • Simulated ECU using Vector CANalizer for automated tests.
  • Created documentation for users and training for retailers.
技术:汽车,通信,逆向工程,嵌入式C, c++


FT350是一种FuelTech发动机监测和控制系统:电子喷射, integrated instrument panel, data acquisition, and power management. A multi-use ECU for motorsport, drift, and drag racing cars.

USB-CAN Converter
USB-CAN converter used with the FT line modules (FT200, FT250, FT300, FT350, 和FT400)用于更新和与计算机通信(地图编辑), backup). 该器件使用了两个C8051 Silabs半导体,为汽车环境创造了一个强大的解决方案.

Hydrofoil Bike

世界上第一辆复制水上骑行体验的水翼自行车. 我为系统控制单元开发了整个固件来管理传感器, electric motor, and the battery management the system.

ECU project, but with added Onboard Digital Wideband Lambda Control. The G4X platform features a faster processor, faster communications, 以及512兆字节的数据记录——基于传统产品功能的Power Architecture微控制器产品. Since the legacy platform would not use the old microcontroller, 我加入了这个团队,我以前的电源架构微控制器专业知识.
2014 - 2016

Master's Degree in Project Management

Unisinos University - São Leopoldo, Brazil

2006 - 2011

Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering

南里奥格兰德州天主教大学(PUCRS) -巴西阿雷格里港


Altium, Bitbucket API, Accelerometers


CMake, Subversion (SVN), Shell, Eclipse IDE, MATLAB, Jenkins, GNU Toolchain, Bitbucket, Git


Embedded C++, C, C++11, Python, Ruby, Embedded C, Python 3, C#, C++


Google Test, Flutter


Defensive Programming, DevOps


Databases, MongoDB

Industry Expertise

Automotive, Telecommunications, Project Management


ARM Linux, Ubuntu Linux, Linux, Windows, Android, iOS, Docker, Bluetooth LE, Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Embedded Systems, Firmware, USB, AUTOSAR, ISO 26262, Real-time Operating System (RTOS), MISRA Compliance, WiFi, Military, Scripting, Software, Electronics, DSP, Reverse Engineering, Renewable Energy, Physics, Wireless Protocols, Projects, Product Delivery, Post-production, Safety-critical, IEC 61508, DO-178B/C, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), IoT Protocols, Aerospace & Defense, Automotive Controller Area Network (CAN), Intel MCS-51 (8051), Bluetooth, Nordic nRF52, Cortex M4, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Ethernet, M2M, RFID, File Systems, ARM Architecture, uClinux, Linux Device Driver, PIC16, PIC32, Microchip PIC18, Bootloaders, Cortex M3, Communication, Device Firmware Updates (DFU), GPS, Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), I2C, Cortex-M0 Processor, Cortex-M Microcontrollers, Internet of Things (IoT), CANopen, CAN Bus

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