Aleks Krause, Developer in Tallinn, Estonia
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Aleks Krause

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Android and Flutter Developer

Tallinn, Estonia
Toptal Member Since
November 11, 2022

Aleks是一个充满活力和好奇心的Android和Flutter开发人员,拥有5年以上的经验,为快节奏的企业编写高质量的干净代码. In previous roles, he has worked on the Estonian COVID-19 tracking app with 100,000+ downloads and the Itella Estonian post-office application, which helps users process millions of parcels a year. Aleks is also an instructor at Udemy, teaching advanced Android development, and he loves creating beautiful applications that scale.


Android, Android Studio, Java 8, Kotlin, Material Design, Figma, Bluetooth LE...
Fob Solutions
Android, Android Studio, Kotlin, Java 8, Flutter, Dart, Firebase...
Android Studio, Android, Android NDK, Espresso, Model View Presenter (MVP)...




Preferred Environment

Android Studio, Android SDK, Flutter, Firebase, APIs, SQLite, Material Design, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Dependency Injection

The most amazing...

...and challenging solution I've built is Itella SmartApp, 这是一个基于安卓系统的应用程序,快递员每年用它投递数百万个包裹.

Work Experience

Android Developer

2021 - 2022
  • Helped refactor the existing app in a more testable and scalable way.
  • Contributed to setting up the foundations for the team, including Jira, design and release processes, and software development best practices.
  • 每周为全公司举办知识分享会议,重点关注移动开发领域最新和最重要的趋势.
Technologies: Android, Android Studio, Java 8, Kotlin, Material Design, Figma, Bluetooth LE, APIs, SQLite, Firebase, Bitrise, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Android Jetpack, Mapbox, Bluetooth, Core Bluetooth, Mobile GPS, GPS, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Firebase Test Lab, Cloud Firestore, Swagger, Firebase Authentication, Team Management, Knowledge Sharing, UI Animation, MySQL

Android and Flutter Developer

2018 - 2022
Fob Solutions
  • 为爱沙尼亚邮政提供商Itella开发了一个应用程序. 该应用程序处理要送到地址或智能储物柜的包裹.
  • 帮助开发爱沙尼亚在特定时期内全国使用的COVID-19接触者追踪应用程序.
  • Contributed to developing about 20 other applications.
  • 当我加入公司时,我获得了年度最佳新人的认可.
  • Won the company's most challenging project four years in a row, 是什么让我被公司招募到其他的技术项目.
  • 作为公司中最早使用Flutter的人之一,在Flutter项目中发挥了关键作用.
Technologies: Android, Android Studio, Kotlin, Java 8, Flutter, Dart, Firebase, Google Play Store, Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Espresso, JUnit, Jira, Trello, Figma, Material Design, SQLite, APIs, Dependency Injection, Unit Testing, Automated UI Testing, Load Testing, Gradle, Scandit, Bluetooth LE, Bluetooth Beacons, Core Bluetooth, Bitbucket, Bitbucket API, Slack API, GitHub API, Jenkins, Firebase Hosting, Cloud Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Android Jetpack, Realm, WebApp, CI/CD Pipelines, Pipelines, Dagger 2, Model View ViewModel (MVVM), RxJava 2, RxJava, Coroutines

Android Developer

2017 - 2018
  • Created a new company app called Timbeter Container.
  • 使用JUnit和Espresso测试框架为公司的应用程序构建测试.
  • 处理所有Crashlytics数据并管理所有使用Google Play商店的应用程序发布.
Technologies: Android Studio, Android, Android NDK, Espresso, Model View Presenter (MVP), Unit Testing, Google Play Store, Crashlytics, Algorithms

A Flutter-based Android project. 该应用程序允许用户挑战他们的朋友做有趣的活动,使用他们的手机传感器.

I was the sole developer of this project and made it in my free time.

Comodule White-label Application
一个基于android的白标应用程序,由Comodule公司用于为其物联网模块的客户创建微移动应用程序. 它目前被多个品牌使用,包括Super73、Mate Bike、Fazua和BMZ.

The application has Bluetooth and theming as its core products. 它提供有关用户物联网模块的信息,并允许根据客户的需求快速主题化,以适应他们的品牌.

Glia Widgets SDK
While collaborating with Mooncascade, 我被邀请担任Glia Android widget SDK的首席开发人员.

Glia specializes in helpdesk software, 他们想要一款开箱即用的产品,让客户可以轻松地将其集成到现有的安卓应用程序中. 解决方案是一个白标产品,可以作为库添加到客户端的应用程序中, 只需要通过一些参数进行样式化,就可以在他们的应用程序中获得一个漂亮的工作帮助台区域.


Elisa Store Demo Applications

一套基于Android的应用程序,为当地的手机经销商提供,使Android设备在其商店中展示得很漂亮. 这款应用程序是一款用于更大分辨率屏幕的安卓电视应用程序, a tablet app for their products catalog, and a phone app. 手机应用程序是使用Android设备所有者模式功能构建的,允许用户尝试一些手机功能,但不允许其他可能损害商店业务的功能. For example, we allowed using the camera, 但我们限制了用户进入手机的设置,这样用户就不能为了好玩而锁手机了. The apps can only be seen in Elisa stores.


木材决定了原木的数量以及每根原木的体积和直径, whether in a pile, on a truck, or in a container. 这款应用的所有图像处理都是在安卓设备上进行的,使用的是机器学习支持的图像处理.


Itella SmartApp


该应用程序是为性能和处理大量数据而构建的,使用设备的摄像头或蓝牙条形码扫描仪来扫描条形码. 它还使用蓝牙连接到Ingenico的支付终端,这样快递员就可以在客户家门口接受银行付款.

该应用使用Android Room库来帮助维护应用的本地数据库, although many SQL queries were still built from scratch. 它还非常关注离线缓存,因此为此创建了一个庞大的系统. 整个应用程序不断地进行单元测试和Espresso屏幕测试.

我是一个由后端开发人员、设计人员和项目经理组成的团队中的Android开发人员. 就复杂性而言,这可能是我开发过的最令人惊叹的应用程序. It can't be shown externally, as it is an in-house project.

Ömsen Hälsa
一个基于Flutter的保险应用程序,当Flutter变得稳定时创建. 该团队有三个开发人员,其中两个是Flutter开发人员,一个是后端开发人员. I was one of the Flutter engineers responsible for the UI.


Java 8, Kotlin, Dart, Java, C, XML


Android SDK, Flutter, JUnit, Core Bluetooth, Espresso, scanit, Swagger, WebApp, Dagger


REST API, Camera API, Google Maps, RxJava 2, Bitbucket API, Slack API, GitHub API, RxJava


Android Studio, Android Jetpack, Jira, Figma, Android NDK, Trello, Firebase Test Lab, Firebase Authentication, Gradle, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Crashlytics


Model View ViewModel (MVVM), Dependency Injection, Model View Presenter (MVP), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Integration (CI), Unit Testing, Model View Intent (MVI), Load Testing


Firebase, Android, Bluetooth LE, Bitrise, Mapbox, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Raspberry Pi, Twilio, Android TV, Google Cloud Platform (GCP)


SQLite, Cloud Firestore, MySQL, Realm


APIs, Material Design, Google Play Store, CI/CD Pipelines, Ingenico, RFID, Linear Algebra, Bluetooth Beacons, Mobile GPS, Speech to Text, SDKs, Bluetooth, GPS, Team Management, Knowledge Sharing, UI Animation, Automated UI Testing, Firebase Hosting, Algorithms, Pipelines, Coroutines

2011 - 2015

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Systems and Networks

TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology - Tallinn, Estonia

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