Ahmet Aladag, Developer in Istanbul, Turkey
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Ahmet Aladag

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Back-end Developer

Istanbul, Turkey
Toptal Member Since
September 28, 2021

Ahmet is an ex-Amazonian and ex-Doister with more than 12 years of professional experience, four of which he's been working remotely. Ahmet excels at back-end engineering and possesses data science, text mining, and front-end skills. Ahmet loves working with the Python/Django stack and building products that make life easier for people.


Harmonytics OÜ
Python 3, Django, Celery, PostgreSQL, Scikit-learn, Pandas...
Python, Remote Work, Back-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GitHub...
Software Architecture, Web Security, System Design, Amazon DynamoDB, Perl, Java...




Preferred Environment

Python 3, Django, PostgreSQL, Redis, Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS), HTML, PyCharm, MacOS, Python

The most amazing...

...project I've done was to develop suicidal ideation detection via ML. It surfaced potential at-risk people and provided support before they committed suicide.

Work Experience


2018 - PRESENT
Harmonytics OÜ
  • Developed a machine learning model that predicts whether the author of a text has expressed suicidal ideation or not.
  • Constructed a web-based application to annotate (label) Reddit posts to be used in classification tasks.
  • Led a team of two front-end developers in the build of a recruitment platform for a specific industry which included defining the requirements according to stakeholders, designing the architecture, and implementing the back end.
Technologies: Python 3, Django, Celery, PostgreSQL, Scikit-learn, Pandas, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Heroku, JSON, Data Science, Remote Team Leadership, HTML5, Testing, Cloud, CSS, Algorithms, Technical Writing, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), GPT, Python API, REST APIs, Back-end Architecture

Back-end Developer

2018 - 2020
  • Developed an app that allows Slack users to import their account settings and conversations into the Twist app.
  • Integrated the Apple sign-in process for Twist and Todoist apps.
  • Implemented features like closing threads and email confirmations and also maintained the code.
  • Detected and fixed bugs and impactful security vulnerabilities.
  • Introduced incident severity levels to the company, resulting in a support triaging system with a profound strategy.
Technologies: Python, Remote Work, Back-end, Amazon Web Services (AWS), GitHub, CI/CD Pipelines, Docker, OAuth 2, SQLAlchemy, SQL, Redis, Software Architecture, MySQL, Stripe API, Payment APIs, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Authentication, User Authentication, JSON, HTML5, Testing, Cloud, CSS, Technical Writing, Python API, REST APIs, Back-end Architecture

Software Development Engineer

2017 - 2018
  • Architected a project that allows corporate users to bulk import office addresses; this included gathering business requirements, preparing the BRD, performing security analysis, and writing an extensive security document, including a threat model.
  • Fixed bugs on the Amazon Business checkout and address selection pages.
  • Improved the company and team documentation significantly by creating tools to make daily routines faster and reduce the operational workload.
  • Created a machine learning model that predicts which teams are potentially responsible for new issues.
Technologies: Software Architecture, Web Security, System Design, Amazon DynamoDB, Perl, Java, Python, Scikit-learn, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), Pandas, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microservices, Architecture, Software Engineering, Data Science, HTML5, Testing, Cloud, Technical Writing, Back-end Architecture

R&D Engineer

2015 - 2017
Fikrimuhal Teknoloji
  • Designed the microservice architecture and algorithms for HiveCDN (a P2P-supported CDN) project and implemented the back end and front end. Used Scala and Node.js.
  • Wrote two grant proposals for R&D projects (HiveCDN and a PaaS platform) with 100% approval success.
  • Built the CI/CD infrastructure with Apache Mesos and Jenkins.
  • Implemented a project called Statique that converted documentation files on Dropbox into a website.
Technologies: Scala, Crystal, Python, Mesos, Jenkins, Grant Proposals, R&D, Akka, Software Architecture, System Design, WebRTC, RxJS, Play 2, Microservices, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Web Architecture, JSON, HTML5, Cloud, CSS, Algorithms, Technical Writing, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), REST APIs, Back-end Architecture

R&D Engineer

2013 - 2013
  • Led the link analysis team in charge of the Turkish search engine running on a cluster of 100+ servers.
  • Implemented graph-based distributed ranking algorithms (Giranking) with Apache Giraph and performed their integrations to Apache Nutch, Solr, and HBase.
  • Developed a proxy-and-sync mechanism of BuluttDepo's (a Dropbox clone) desktop application for Turk Telekom.
Technologies: Java, Apache Giraph, Management, Distributed Computing, Team Leadership, Remote Team Leadership, Algorithms

Co-founder | Software Lead

2011 - 2013
  • Developed Woramo.com, a social network for sharing product/service reviews online.
  • Managed the team and the tasks; also designed the architecture and implemented the site as a full-stack developer.
  • Followed a lean startup design process which included defining the problem, creating personas, conducting interviews, building a landing page, and estimating product demand.
Technologies: Python, Django, MySQL, Redis, Celery, Memcached, Elasticsearch, NGINX, Jenkins, JSON, MongoDB, Remote Team Leadership, HTML5, Testing, Cloud, CSS, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), Back-end Architecture

Research Assistant

2009 - 2011
Kadir Has University
  • Developed a desktop app called Robinviz that visualizes protein-protein interaction networks.
  • Published one conference paper and two journal papers, one of which had more than 140 citations so far.
  • Taught data structures and algorithms, Java, and Python to undergraduate students.
Technologies: Python, PyQt 4, Algorithms, Technical Writing

Amazon Business Bulk Address Importer

A web-based app that allows Amazon Business users to import their office addresses in bulk.

I was the owner of the product, and I gathered business requirements, prepared BRD, designed the software architecture, performed security analysis, and wrote extensive security documents, including a threat model. The project was carried out while working at Amazon.

Suicidal Ideation Detection

A machine learning-based R&D project to predict whether the author of a post has expressed suicidal ideation in the post. The ultimate goal was to detect people at risk and provide them assistance. It was the proof of concept, the very first study and project on the topic. Our paper attracted great attention and was cited by over 50 other studies.

I used text-mining tools to extract features like sentiment analysis, LIWC (linguistic inquiry and word count), and bigrams. Then I used logistic regression, random forests, and support vector machine algorithms to build the models and make predictions.

Slack to Twist Importer

Developed a major feature project for Twist. It allows users to import their Slack and Stride conversations and team members into Twist.

I was the back-end developer for the project, designed the architecture, and implemented the code in Python.

Cryptocurrency Management App

A command line-based app that allows you to manage your portfolio and perform trading. It enables you to display the average costs of coins based on your trade history. It also allows you to execute trades and manage multiple crypto exchanges.

Istanbul Public Transportation Network Analysis

A data science project that analyzes the public transportation (bus) network (consisting of routes and stops). The project highlights the potential bottlenecks in the traffic depending on the frequency of use.

I scraped the route and stop data from the Istanbul Municipality City SDK using Scrapy. Then I constructed, visualized, and analyzed the Istanbul public transportation network with R.

Blog Posts on Scraping and Data Mining

A blog project where I wrote about 70 blog posts in English for an Italian scraping company. The posts were about what scraping is, how it can be utilized in different industries, use cases, and how the data can be stored, processed, and analyzed.

Robinviz | Bioinformatics Software

A type of protein-protein interaction visualization (desktop) software. I developed the app portion for my master's thesis "Reliability Oriented Bioinformatic Network Visualization" tool.

It performs clustering on protein-protein interaction networks according to co-expression and co-ontology and then visualizes these graphs. Then it takes reliability scores into account during the visualization.

SPINAL: Scalable Protein Interaction Network Alignment

A research project to build an algorithm that would align protein interaction networks. I was involved in algorithm development and paper writing. Our paper was cited more than 130 times.

Given the protein-protein interaction (PPI) networks of a pair of species, a pairwise global alignment corresponds to a 1-to-1 mapping between their proteins. Based on the presupposition that such a mapping provides pairs of functionally orthologous proteins accurately, the results of the alignment may then be used in comparative systems biology problems such as function prediction/verification or construction of evolutionary relationships.

We provided a polynomial-time heuristic algorithm, SPINAL to solve this problem. We showed that based on the accuracy measures used in relevant work, our method outperforms the state-of-the-art algorithms.

Our algorithm does not suffer from scalability issues, as such accurate results are achieved in reasonable running times as compared with the benchmark algorithms.

Statique | Static Documentation Server

A static site server that was written with the Crystal language and Kemal Web Framework. It compiles the Markdown content in your Dropbox folder into HTML with Pandoc every X minutes.

Optionally, it watches for changes in your Dropbox folder, then compiles all your Markdown files into HTML with Pandoc when any change is detected. It also provides a hook URL so that it can copy and rebuild the Markdown files upon a change in your Dropbox folder.

Access can be restricted with passwords and permissions. Each folder can be assigned special permissions via files in the config folder.


A Java library for ranking nodes in a graph using Apache Giraph. I implemented LinkRank, HostRank, and TrustRank algorithms to work on a distributed cluster.

We ran my algorithms on a cluster of 100+ nodes running for a search engine. The rankings were used to sort the search results.

Django Friendship Network

A Python library implementing unidirectional and bidirectional friendships on Neo4J.

I Implemented the whole project. It allows you to construct a social network and provide a faster experience for querying friendship relationships. It supports friendship requests and approvals as well.

Co-occurrence Network Constructor

A text mining project that analyzes terms searched on an English-Turkish and Turkish-English dictionary to construct a semantic network based on co-occurrence.

I implemented the code and ran it on the data provided by the leading dictionary Zargan.

With the assumption of the fact "terms searched consecutively are more likely to be related," I created a co-occurrence network and with some pruning, the network turned out to be a semantic network suggesting relationships between the nodes. The network is suitable for a word representation approach in machine learning projects.

A Recruitment Platform for a Particular Industry

A web-based app for recruiting employees in a particular industry. I am the lead engineer and the back-end developer developing REST APIs for the React front end to consume. I designed the architecture and implemented the back end.


Python 3, Python, Python 2, HTML5, HTML, JavaScript, SQL, Java, Crystal, Perl, Scala, R, CSS


Scrapy, Django, Bootstrap, OAuth 2, Akka, Play 2, Django REST Framework


GitHub, PyCharm, LaTeX, Mesos, Apache Giraph, NGINX, Jira, Microsoft Excel, Celery, Jenkins, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS)


Back-end Architecture, Data Science, Unit Testing, Object-relational Mapping (ORM), Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Microservices, Web Architecture, Management, Distributed Computing, Testing, REST


MacOS, Linux, Heroku, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, AWS Lambda, Amazon EC2


JSON, Databases, MySQL, Neo4j, NoSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), PostgreSQL, Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, Memcached, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, MongoEngine


Social Network Analysis, Text Mining, Back-end, System Design, R&D, Network Analysis, Algorithms, Technical Writing, Scraping, Web Scraping, Software Engineering, Document Parsing, Startups, Architecture, Data Mining, CSV, Machine Learning, Remote Work, CI/CD Pipelines, APIs, Lean Startups, Authentication, Data Engineering, Remote Team Leadership, Cloud, Command-line Interface (CLI), Natural Language Processing (NLP), GPT, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT), Data Visualization, Software Architecture, Web Security, Grant Proposals, Threat Modeling, Business Requirements, Team Leadership, Payment APIs, User Authentication, Google Ads, HAProxy


Scikit-learn, Pandas, CCXT, NetworkX, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), REST APIs, Django ORM, Python API, SQLAlchemy, WebRTC, RxJS, PyQt 4, Matplotlib, Stripe API, Web API

2011 - 2022

PhD in Computer Engineering

Boğaziçi University - Istanbul, Turkey

2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Computer Engineering

Kadir Has University - Istanbul, Turkey

2005 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering

Işık University - Istanbul, Turkey

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