Adrian Pop, Developer in Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
Adrian is available for hire
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Adrian Pop

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Networks Developer

Cluj-Napoca, Cluj County, Romania
Toptal Member Since
November 16, 2020

Adrian is a software engineer with more than five years of experience in DevSecOps, cloud infrastructures, SRE, and security areas. He is passionate about learning, research, and POC. Still, his primary focus is creating awesome infrastructures, pipelines, and security enhancements for startups or refining small, low-level details for on-premises environments.


OpenVPN, Terraform, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, Proxmox...
Toptal Client
Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes...
Betfair Romania Development
NGINX, Ansible, CI/CD Pipelines, Kubernetes, Bash, Python, Istio, DevOps...




Preferred Environment


The most amazing...

...thing I've created is a fully-functional, almost one-click deployable, virtual penetration testing laboratory.

Work Experience


2015 - PRESENT
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained cloud infrastructures based on Proxmox hypervisor with Ansible.
  • Created and maintained Ansible roles and playbooks to automate the entire infrastructure and its containers.
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained GCP and AWS infrastructures with Terraform.
  • Created a penetration testing lab for university students' learning purposes.
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained GKE infrastructure with Terraform and Ansible and deployed the pipelines from GitLab and GitHub.
Technologies: OpenVPN, Terraform, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Kubernetes, Proxmox, Red Hat Linux, Linux Servers, Web App Security, Networks, Iptables, Python, Bash, Java, Ansible, React, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CI/CD Pipelines, DevOps, GitLab CI/CD


2021 - 2022
Toptal Client
  • Built and monitored a high-available Blockchain node infrastructure computed by various nodes for different cryptocurrencies with integrated monitoring and backup tools. The entire infrastructure is managed by Terraform and configured with Ansible.
  • Maintained the GKE clusters and improved deployments, certificate management, and secrets management. I also enhanced the GitHub CI/CD pipeline.
  • Improved the overall infrastructure and monitoring tools with Datadog.
Technologies: Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Kubernetes, Terraform, Helm, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CI/CD Pipelines, Datadog, DevOps


2018 - 2019
Betfair Romania Development
  • Created a Kubernetes environment for canary deployments.
  • Set up an NGINX web server for different behaviors.
  • Maintained and enhanced the deployment pipelines for Java microservices and the Couchbase database.
Technologies: NGINX, Ansible, CI/CD Pipelines, Kubernetes, Bash, Python, Istio, DevOps, GitLab CI/CD

Pentest Lab

A penetration testing environment used by universities for learning purposes.

The infrastructure is based on Debian distribution, virtualized by Proxmox. OpenVPN stands as an access gateway. The networking is done entirely at the network layer (layer 3) with different access and internet access levels, while the firewall is based mainly on raw iptables rules. It can handle two types of entities, KVM and LXC containers. The entire infrastructure and main user interactions are fully automated with Ansible.

Ski and Snowboard School Management System
A ski and snowboard school management system with seven microservices based on the Spring framework. Two microservices for the front end were built with React, and two were made with the Ionic framework for mobile. I've created the entire app, cloud infrastructure with three environments, and monitoring.

Wedding Planning Application
A smart wedding planning application with 12 microservices based on the Spring framework, the front end was built with Angular and React, and the mobile app was built with Ionic projects. I've created the entire app and its cloud infrastructure with three environments.


Java, Bash, Python, C


Angular, Spring


Ansible, NGINX, Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE), Terraform, Helm, GitLab CI/CD, OpenVPN, Istio


DevSecOps, DevOps, Penetration Testing


Linux Servers, Site Reliability Engineering (SRE), CI/CD Pipelines, Networks, Security, Iptables, LXC, Firewalls, Shell Scripting, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Web App Security, Mobile Security, Security Audits, Cloud Security, DHCP, Biochemistry, HAProxy




Linux, Proxmox, Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Docker, Red Hat Linux, Kubernetes, Debian


Database Security, PostgreSQL, Datadog

2022 - 2023

Ph.D. Degree in Computer Science

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Cluj-Napoca

2018 - 2020

Master's Degree in Information and Computing System Security

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Cluj, Romania

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - Cluj, Romania

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