Adnan Umer, Developer in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
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Adnan Umer

Verified Expert  in Engineering

FastAPI Developer

Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan
Toptal Member Since
November 6, 2018

Adnan is a highly skilled full-stack web developer focused on back-end development. Since 2015, he has delivered web solutions across diverse industries, leveraging his expertise to ensure project success. Beyond his core role, Adnan actively contributes to the open source community, having made prominent contributions to Django and TQDM projects, among others. This dedication to continuous learning and knowledge sharing reflects his strong work ethic and passion for innovation.


Strong Analytics
Docker, Tailwind CSS, Celery, PostgreSQL, Vue, JavaScript, Django...
Open Source
Python, Django, Django ORM
Celery, MySQL, JavaScript, Django, Django REST Framework, Python, Scrum...




Preferred Environment

PyCharm, Git, MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've developed is the Python source code execution visualizer, which helps novices learn how to program.

Work Experience

ML Engineer

2019 - PRESENT
Strong Analytics
  • Developed and deployed web dashboards for multiple projects across various industries, enabling efficient data visualization and analysis.
  • Led the engineering effort for a product that successfully hosted pre-trained models via modular and scalable REST APIs, streamlining model access and integration.
  • Created a reusable deployment tool featuring a templating engine and a secret/variable store, facilitating efficient and consistent deployment across all projects.
  • Wrote and implemented multiple data processing and aggregation pipelines, significantly enhancing data processing efficiency for various projects.
Technologies: Docker, Tailwind CSS, Celery, PostgreSQL, Vue, JavaScript, Django, Django REST Framework, Python, PySpark, Vuex, Flask, React, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Pandas, FastAPI, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Data Engineering, Data Pipelines, Django ORM

Maintainer and Contributor

2018 - PRESENT
Open Source
  • Enhanced Django's RawQuerySet functionality by making it behave more like QuerySet, adding support for prefetch_related, and fixing bugs.
  • Expanded the capabilities of the tqdm library by implementing a context manager to temporarily disable progress bars within specific code sections.
  • Boosted the compatibility of django-tenant-schemas by adding support for Django versions 1.9 and 1.10.
  • Developed an offline version of CodeSkulptor, enabling users to code without an internet connection.
Technologies: Python, Django, Django ORM

Software Engineer

2016 - 2018
  • Spearheaded the development and expansion of external integrations for the insurance quote comparison project, streamlining data exchange and improving efficiency.
  • Provided off-hours support, ensuring project uptime and resolving critical issues outside of regular work hours.
  • Developed a Facebook Messenger bot for the insurance quote comparison project, enhancing customer engagement and potentially increasing quote requests.
  • Served as an advisory board member and consulted on various projects, contributing to improved technical architecture and providing solutions to implementation challenges across the organization.
  • Identified and reported several vulnerabilities in internal tools during personal time, demonstrating a solid commitment to system security.
Technologies: Celery, MySQL, JavaScript, Django, Django REST Framework, Python, Scrum, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Ansible, Redis, Django ORM

Streamlined Infrastructure Deployment Tool

I spearheaded the development of a secure and versatile deployment tool, which utilizes a custom templating engine and integrates seamlessly with leading infrastructure provisioning technologies like Terraform, Kubernetes, Ansible, Helm, and Docker. It offers a centralized platform for managing secrets, variables, and deployment workflows, streamlining the infrastructure deployment process.

Scalable Web Application with Deployed Machine Learning Model

I played a crucial role in the development of a scalable web application that utilized a pre-trained machine learning model. While a separate team handled the model training, I was in charge of the application's entire development lifecycle, encompassing both front-end and back-end development. This included integrating the model into the application in a modular and scalable manner, ensuring smooth deployment and functionality.

Next-gen Insurance Comparison Platform

As a full-stack developer, I spearheaded the rewrite of the core application to support a broader range of insurance products beyond car insurance. I also collaborated with external providers to integrate their services, ensuring a seamless user experience with rich data and customizable dashboards. Additionally, I implemented automated deployments using Ansible to streamline efficiency.

Visual Python Interpreter for Beginners

I developed a Microsoft Store application to visualize the execution flow of Python code. This educational tool simplifies understanding program logic for novice learners. The application leverages C#/XAML for the user interface and utilizes a Python core exposed as a REST API via the Django REST framework.

Market Pulse: Unveiling Opportunities and Growth Trends

This web application, developed as a research project, functions as a comprehensive market health monitor. It empowers businesses with data-driven insights on market opportunities, regional market share distribution across the US, and sales forecasting based on historical trends. This application showcases the potential for leveraging data to gain a competitive edge and make strategic decisions.


Python, JavaScript, C#, XAML


Django REST Framework, Django, Flask, gRPC, Tailwind CSS


Django ORM, Vue, Vuex, React, PySpark, SQLAlchemy, Google Chart API, D3.js, Pandas


Celery, Git, Ansible, Amazon EKS, Terraform, Helm


Web Development, FastAPI, Machine Learning Operations (MLOps), Data Engineering, Amazon RDS, Software Development, Machine Learning


Scrum, Data Science


Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon Web Services (AWS), MacOS


PostgreSQL, MySQL, Data Pipelines, Redis

2018 - 2020

Master's Degree in Data Science

Information Technology University (ITU) - Lahore, Pakistan

2012 - 2016

Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology

The Islamia University of Bahawalpur - Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Collaboration That Works

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