Tonći Jajić, Project Manager in Klis, Croatia
Tonći is available for hire
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Tonći Jajić

Verified Expert  in Project Management

Project Manager

Klis, Croatia
Toptal Member Since
October 29, 2019

Tonći is an accomplished product and project manager with over ten years of multi-disciplinary experience. He managed over 15 products and several SMBs, helping them improve efficiency and maximize their margins. Leveraging his expertise, attention to detail, and leadership skills, he has nurtured and managed several large Agile teams to timely deliveries of amazing products. Tonći has experience in digital business, eCommerce, travel, mobility, retail, wholesale, news, and service industries.

Project Highlights

Quick Parking: Multi-product Software Program (Booking)
As program manager, defined and built several products (platform and eCommerce), ensuring over 30% profit margin YoY growth.
Intertekstil Stanić: ERP Software Development (Retail and Wholesale)
As product owner, I managed the digital transformation of the company to be data-driven by managing their ERP development. eCommerce site (B2C/Retail)
Led both the development and the operations of a state-of-the-art eCommerce site, ensuring performance above expectations.


Work Experience

Product Consultant (Technical Account Manager)

2021 - PRESENT
  • Delivered cutting-edge AI (AI search) solutions to high-visibility partners.
  • Worked with a globally distributed team to consult, create, and deliver innovative projects for unique people and worthwhile causes.
  • Cooperated primarily as a product and technical consultant for high-profile partners and highly promising or socially important startups.

Head of Product

2021 - 2021
  • Held a short-term fractional/interim CPO role for, the largest (1 million daily unique visitors, 77 million monthly unique visitors) news site in Croatia.
  • Audited the company's product and design processes in depth. Founded the product department. Hired talent for the roles within it.
  • Oversaw the launch of one product (a recipe app), the development of another (food guide, the reimagining of the 3rd one (classified ads), the ideation of a 4rth one (vegan/superfood app), and improvements of the main one (

Senior Project Manager

2020 - 2021
  • Ensured success for the clients by managing one large long-term project and several smaller MVPs, averaging about 15 – 20 people in total.
  • Ensured growth, horizontal learning, and vertical promotion for all people managed directly as a personal development manager and for a dozen or more people on the managed project.
  • Drafted the PMO role structure, created the PMO recruitment process, and held numerous interviews, making sure the organization found perfect matches.

Director of Operations

2020 - 2021
Alma Flowers
  • Managed the design and timely development of the initial eCommerce store for the company, ensuring business take-off.
  • Set up processes for operations, logistics, and fulfillment, working with farms, vendors, and suppliers to ensure fresh overnight delivery of each item. Optimized cost structure.
  • Led copywriting, SEO, and digital marketing (social, display, and search) efforts to drive traffic, with targeted influencer and micro-influencer campaigns.
  • Managed a small team to ensure the continuing growth of the eCommerce solution (UX/UI, CRO) and continuous product development, with a sound pricing strategy.

Business Strategy Manager

2020 - 2021
Quick Parking
  • Created a comprehensive business strategy and ensured the company was data-driven.
  • Managed the digital business aspect, including the digital marketing strategy.
  • Created the pricing policy and pricing models (a lead-time-based bucket model).
  • Envisioned and planned the product development roadmap.
  • Pivoted the company into taking steps in a white-label custom-built booking platform and offering on-site and SaaS products.

Senior Agile Advocate

2019 - 2021
  • Acted as a program/product manager for a large client, managing a long-term program with four projects, three project managers, and over 20 developers.
  • Oversaw multiple greenfield MVP projects to fast and successful deliveries.
  • Managed the setup of the 24/7 support service, including the sales, operations, and processes/tools (full Jira service desk automation).
  • Mentored several managers (project leads) into being a servant leader.
  • Initiated a process of codifying company culture (the Typeqast Way) and developed a new set of best practices to manage the company.

Project Manager

2018 - 2019
  • Led multiple teams to successful project deliveries as both servant leader (agile coach project manager) and product owner.
  • Helped multiple teams jell and create the best process and culture for them using retrospectives, transparency, and feedback. Shaped and tweaked cross-functional teams to find the best fit for each specific project.
  • Made key product decisions to drive the top business goals and product vision forward, with an uncompromising focus on quality and smooth user experience.
  • Ensured maximum impact and value provided by each product iteration by properly prioritizing features.
  • Managed the setup of the 24/7 support service, including the sales, operations, and processes/tools (full Jira service desk automation).
  • Managed, among other things, one platform development from initial kickoff to a fully designed and implemented MVP with full functionality and three user roles in five weeks (and in around 600 billable hours).

eCommerce and Brand Manager

2016 - 2018
  • Managed both eCommerce sales and operations, as well as the complete (digital and traditional) marketing and communications of the entire brand. Family (brick-and-mortar) and (online) are B2C brands by Intertekstil Stanić.
  • Led the webshop project from inception, managing its development, design, and operations.
  • Pushed the company towards a modern approach to marketing and led the way, managing the marketing, as well as the social media elements.
  • Ensured amazing year-over-year growth, counting double digits for offline and almost triple digits for online channels as a direct result of actions taken for several years.
  • Established and grew the team, helping them with more responsibilities. The strength and success of this team were proven by the fact that they've managed to keep the growth going even after I had left the company.

IT Manager

2013 - 2018
Intertekstil Stanic
  • Acted as the product manager for the entire ERP road map (products developed by a 3rd-party agency).
  • Shaped the company to be able to handle modern times, taking lead on initiatives like standardization, built-in flexibility, marketing investments (both digital and traditional), rebranding, and eCommerce.
  • Worked closely with other department heads on both IT and general process management and Improved IT business impact significantly and for the better, from inefficient, slow, and costly, to responsive and cost-saving.
  • Added about 30 new tools, processes, or opportunities previously not possible and lowered costs and overhead to minimal levels.
  • Led the charge on modernizing warehouses by making them paperless and working with new barcode terminals over WiFi, communicating with the ERP directly via a custom-built Windows embedded app.
  • Began a 5-year charge on changing and modernizing the ERP portfolio (especially the BI aspect).
  • Modernized the entire retail network IT and standardized UI and UX to enable fast onboarding, moveability, and to support older employees less accustomed to working with computers.
  • Managed the entire IT support. Organized support infrastructure.

Quick Parking: Multi-product Software Program (Booking)

As program manager, defined and built several products (platform and eCommerce), ensuring over 30% profit margin YoY growth.

Quick Parking is an international airport parking provider, operating in seven countries and approximately 20 of Europe’s busiest airports. To support their business, rapid growth, and growing operational demands, we built a tailored, scalable, and highly available booking and business management platform. It is complete with public and private API, back office, CMS, parking terminal devices (ramp and payment), and an Android app for use on their shuttle buses, as well as front-facing, highly converting websites.

Thanks to our software, they were able to support new business ventures and integrate new partners. Our websites ensured the migration was painless, showing a more than 30% improvement in revenue performance over previous solutions. I am currently optimizing the products and adding new features.

I acted as the program manager, agile coach, and product owner on this project. I defined the product vision, immediate and future development plans, and communicated them to all stakeholders. I continue to ensure the team is growing and that processes and flow are creating solid, long-term performance.

Intertekstil Stanić: ERP Software Development (Retail and Wholesale)

As product owner, I managed the digital transformation of the company to be data-driven by managing their ERP development.

Intertekstil Stanić is Croatia's leading textile company (import, manufacture, wholesale, and retail).

Based on the existing ERP solution, we've worked closely with the vendor to re-engineer the entire product to suit the company's needs. This included:
- Product catalog module.
- Warehousing, retail, import, coupon, and discount module.
- Business and remote locations module. eCommerce site (B2C/Retail)

Led both the development and the operations of a state-of-the-art eCommerce site, ensuring performance above expectations.

Family is a home textile retail brand.

Prior to building a web shop, we did an extensive rebranding, and along with building the web shop, started to invest significantly in digital marketing.

The web shop was built and designed by an external agency and the shop itself proved to be a hit, especially when compared to its brick and mortar counterparts.

Alma Flowers: Shopify eCommerce site (B2C/Retail)

As a director of operations, acted as a project manager in ensuring that a small team delivers highly converting eCommerce site built on Shopify platform.

Alma Flowers is an online florist, growing from a pair of family-owned floral shops in the Moorhead-Fargo area. To support the expansion into eCommerce and floral delivery, we've built an eCommerce shop on top of Shopify, with custom UX/UI and specialized for flowers and plants.

The shop was launched within five weeks and, coupled with other business operations, started performing and making revenue fast.

Bleiff: Platform and Portal MVP (fintech HR)

Delivered an under-budgeted and over-scoped MVP on time and on budget, while managing the scope closely with the client.

Bleiff is a fintech initiative that allows knowledge-intensive companies to continue to flourish by keeping knowledge on board. Employees become entrepreneurs and shareholders through the controlled purchase and sale of share certificates or are rewarded with certificates for 'heroic deeds.' Bleiff binds talent, increased engagement brings peace, stability, and offers future prospects. For Bleiff, we are building a fintech platform as well as a user portal.

Quick Parking: eCommerce site (Booking)

Led the development of an eCommerce site with 30% better revenue performance compared to the previous solution.

Quick Parking is an international airport parking provider, operating in seven countries and around 20 of Europe’s busiest airports.

They've migrated from a network of smaller, regional (airport-specific) sites to a single site serving all markets.

Our website ensured that the migration was painless, showing a more than 30% improvement in revenue performance over previous solutions. I am currently optimizing the product and adding new features.

I acted as the program manager, agile coach, and product owner on this project. I defined the product vision, immediate and future development plans, and communicated them to all stakeholders. I continue to ensure the team is growing and that processes and flow are creating solid, long-term performance.

Green Parking: eCommerce site (Booking)

Acted as a product owner for the booking eCommerce website built by an external agency.

Green Parking is an airport parking provider, operating on Amsterdam Schiphol and Brussels Zaventem airports.

Quick Parking: Administration Web Apps

Led the development of UX-oriented BackOffice and CMS web apps to support the client's administration staff.

Quick Parking is an international airport parking provider.

For their administration, operations, finance, and customer care staff, I've managed (as both product owner and project manager) development of a back office and CMS web apps.

Apps were built to highest UX standards, guaranteeing the best possible information flow and shortest user paths to key platform operations.

Intertekstil Stanić: Strategy Companion Analyzer Integration and Migration

Transformed the way the company thinks about data and business analysis.

Over the course of half a year, we integrated SCA and migrated the entire business reporting to it, centralizing the analytics and reports, making it available 24/7. It even does scheduled report mailing to some of our older managers who are not as accustomed to using a computer.

Quick Parking: Android App for Shuttle Bus Drivers

Sped up operations by leading the development of a new, fast, and properly designed Android app for shuttle drivers.

Quick Parking is an international parking provider, offering their customers the shuttle bus service from their parking lots to airports.

To make shuttle bus drivers day-to-day life easier (and to support operations), we're built a bespoke Android app to be used on tablet devices on each bus. Drivers can use these devices for route information, customer information, and booking management. Retail Chain Standardization

Enabled frictionless human resource movement.

My job was to get everything working during my first months at Intertekstil. That included making sure that all stores (as main data entry points) were following the same specifications. I was also responsible for deciding what the specifications were. Besides that, in the physical space, there were boxes upon boxes of phone cables for fax machines, dial-up payment terminals, and phones. Top-level elements (hardware, OS, software, and procedural standards) also meant sorting and organizing an uncomfortable amount of phone cables.

Typeqast: Support Service Implementation using Jira Service Desk

Successfully managed the setup of the 24/7 support service, including the team, processes, tools, sales, and operations.

Driven by the need to offer 24/7 support to Typeqast's clients, I led the newly formed team into:
- Developed internal processes to support all types of clients and projects.
- Set up multiple instances of Jira service desks and connected them to various tools. Automatized the process (including automatic SLA and automation rules).
- Tested operations, processes, and tools with a large client.
- Scaled and refined them to cover the entire client base.

After the initial setup was complete, I delegated the direct management to a customer service manager (my direct report) and only consulted on Jira-related issues.

Quick Parking: Embedded Windows Terminal Devices

Ensured smoother customer flow on the parking locations by managing the development of the Windows embedded software.

Quick Parking is an international parking provider with a number of parking locations over Europe. On each of these locations, we've built them a minimum of three embedded devices; entry, exit, and a payment terminal.

Using those terminals (with an internet connection, touch screen, license plate recognition, camera feeds, and customer care intercom link) customers can easily drive in, out and pay for their parking.

Quick Parking: Operations Planning Tool

Enabled cost-effective operations planning by overseeing the development of a bespoke built planning tool.

Quick Parking is an international parking provider, with large personnel and vehicle operations on each of 20+ locations.

To better manage the resources (both human and vehicular) needed for each shift/day/location, we've built them a special tool to manage the ideal and most cost-effective scheduling.

Weerman: Business Management Platform

Rescued a doomed year-long project, managing to secure delivery in just three months.

Weerman was one of the five largest flower companies at the Royal Flora Holland flower auction marketplace at Aalsmeer.

For Weerman, we built a platform that was able to integrate with Floral Holland's EasyFlor ERP API and provide data for a range of owned internal and white-label solutions.

Our solutions included a Debtor Registration API, white-label administration, Laravel shop options, among others.

Weerman: Magento eCommerce site (B2B/Wholesale)

Rescued a year-old project and secured MVP delivery in three months.

Weerman was one of the five largest flower companies at the Royal Flora Holland flower auction marketplace at Aalsmeer.

We built a Magento web shop for them that could handle tens of thousands of articles added to the system daily.

Intertekstil Stanić: Embedded Warehouse Devices

Sped up operations and logistics by managing the warehouse workflow and developing purpose-built Windows embedded devices.

Intertekstil Stanić is Croatia's leading textile company (import, manufacture, wholesale, and retail).

To support their growing needs and logistics complexity, I managed (as product manager) a complete overhaul of their warehousing workflows while simultaneously digitalizing it.

Quick Parking: Booking and Business Management Platform

Oversaw the multi-year development of a new bespoke platform and ensured smooth migration from the old system to the new one.

Quick Parking is an international airport parking provider. To support their business, rapid growth, and growing operational demands, we’ve built them a tailored, scalable, and highly available booking and business management platform. It is complete with public and private API.

Thanks to our software, they were able to support new business ventures and integrate new partners.

I acted as the program manager, agile coach, and product owner on this project. I defined the product vision, immediate and future development plans, and communicated them to all stakeholders. I continue to ensure the team is growing and that processes and flow are creating solid, long-term performance.
2013 - 2019

Bachelor's Degree in IT Systems Management

Minerva Business School - Dugopolje, Croatia

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