约旦T. Mezoff,美国佛罗里达州德尔雷海滩的金融专家
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约旦T. Mezoff

验证专家  in 金融



约旦 is a driven senior finance professional with extensive experience developing dynamic financial models for M&A交易,增长战略评估,P&L预测、定价等. 他还利用自己的领导经验执行了几项M&A and commercial deals as well as business process optimization and cost savings initiatives. 约旦 now freelances to enjoy productive and exciting work alongside the freedom of freelancing.


FiberNet Direct业务经理





企业策略经理 & 金融

  • 目前正在探索技术驱动因素, 运营性需求, 用例, 以及移动/多接入边缘计算(MEC)生态系统, 专用LTE (e).g., CBRS OnGo),工业物联网(IIoT)/工业4.以及智慧城市基础设施.
  • Served as a strategy and finance manager at SBA通信 with responsibilities including corporate development initiatives, 增长战略, 技术路线图, 以及与创新相关的举措,以推出/创建新的业务线.
重点领域:战略规划 & 执行, 投资, 投资理论, 协议分析, 数据分析, 价格分析, 回归分析, 资金成本, 风险的债务, 风险投资, 财务战略, 定价策略, 合并 & 收购(M&A)

FiberNet Direct业务经理

2015 - 2017
  • 执行$1的初始阶段.5 billion sale of a business unit by managing the workflows of cross-functional teams, 开发投标书材料, and creating diligence analysis/artifacts for senior leadership at a former parent company, 业务部门主管, 潜在买家.
  • 设计模块化数据中心的新产品开发流程.
  • Toured a manufacturing facility and conducted informational meetings and discussions with the vendor COO, 销售执行副总裁, and various engineers; as well as select vendor business partners, 执行试点项目的当地公用事业公司的高管们.
  • Provided the overall evaluation of the opportunity via a presentation to the business unit president and executive team on the operational viability and economic potential of modular data centers as a new product offering.
  • Forecasted a monthly financial performance to enhance the future state of the business by incorporating historical trends to refine outlook, 制定积极的计划以提高盈利能力, 并推动实现年度财务目标(约1.5亿美元的收入), ~ 8000万美元EBITDA, ~净收入2500万美元, 资本支出1亿美元).
  • 减少经常性成本约0美元.8 million—leading the effort to identify obsolete network components and disconnect associated services.
  • Developed and incorporated the process to proactively tighten the internal mechanisms for assessing related spending to correct the issues identified during the cleanup process.
  • Authored a brief on small cell 技术—leveraging insights from wireless infrastructure companies for the business unit president. Information was used for internal development and negotiations with potential customers/partners.
关注领域:合并 & 收购(M&A),财务报告,财务建模,收入 & 费用预测,降低成本 & 优化, 业务规划, 增长战略, 公司发展, 战略规划, 财务规划 & 分析(FP&A)


2013 - 2015
  • Spearheaded the efforts to carve out the back office functionality and estimate additional requirements of the standalone entity for the $2.7 billion sale of the private label foods business within the global packaged food client. The project included interviewing key senior leadership to develop a comprehensive understanding of existing support structure, 从财务数据中分离出相关的支出数据, 并为人们建立一个可防御的模式, 财产, 技术, 以及新创建实体的供应商支出.
  • Executed the successful integration of multiple mattress retailers (~$600 million in deal value, ~900 stores) to support the client’s strategy of becoming the first coast-to-coast mattress retail chain in the US. This included the acquisition of the largest West Coast mattress retail chain, 在5个州拥有大约310家零售店.
  • Led modeling efforts for estimating costs associated with the investment thesis behind a private equity client's rationale for acquiring a publicly traded women’s retail conglomerate for $2.20亿美元并将其私有化. The project included creating a new target operating model for the business to split into five entities, 重组相关组织, applying factors to account for the loss of economies of scale/excess layers of management, and estimating one-time costs for efforts to execute disentangling said conglomerate into 5 new entities.
  • Executed the successful integration of a major financial institution carve-out into a secure cash services company, part of a portfolio of companies held by a key private equity client for the firm.
  • Supported the initial development and deployment of an integration management office (IMO) for a $38 billion global mega-merger between two oilfield service companies.
重点领域:成本基准, 金融建模, 剥离计划, 集成, 尽职调查, IT, 操作审计, 欧博体育app下载, 合并 & 收购(M&A)


2008 - 2011
  • 开发一个财务模型/工具来跟踪成本, 每架飞机, 变体, and contract that were designed and manufactured as part of the system design and development (SDD) and low rate initial production (LRIP) contracts. The financial model was driven by custom-built Hyperion queries to provide timely insights to senior leadership on the status of assembly and production targets for the fifth-generation stealth jet fighter program.
  • Led a team of stakeholders to establish a set of common processes for financial reporting which was then automated via a software-based tool to facilitate the alignment, 一致性, and efficiency of associated reports used by all levels of management within the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) program.
  • 创建财务和绩效管理分析, 与技术和调度部门合作, as well as projected monthly spend for the JSF Global Sustainment organization (~$100M of annual spending).
  • Conducted variance analyses on both the JSF and naval helicopter programs; investigating the main drivers behind various key metrics when they fell outside of expected ranges.
  • Developed financial models to track and project financial and operational performance for the radio frequency and senior management team on the naval helicopter program.
重点领域:绩效管理,数据分析,收益 & 费用预测, 方差分析(ANOVA), 财务报告, 金融建模, 挣值管理(EVM), 降低成本 & 优化、财务规划 & 分析(FP&A)
2011 - 2013

金融工商管理硕士(MBA) & 策略


2004 - 2008





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