Anastasiia Zavhorodnia, 金融 Expert in 剑桥,英国
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Anastasiia Zavhorodnia

验证专家  in 金融



Anastasiia has been building sales strategies from scratch for two SaaS products (CleanMyMac X and Setapp) and service companies for 5+ years. Her areas of expertise include market research, 销售策略制定, 多渠道销售, and inbound and outbound sales strategies. Anastasiia has been leading business development and sales 成长th since 2013. She enjoys freelancing because it allows her to work with many outstanding entrepreneurs to enhance, 成长, 扩大他们的业务.



Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University
The Poznań University of Economics and Business




  • 确定了美国邮政总局, icp, and product-market fit based on comprehensive market research and an OKR-based approach.
  • Developed and supervised B2B product strategies for Setapp for Teams and CleanMyMac X.
  • Set up a data-driven automated flow, which led to a 20% increase in closing sales and an 80% Increase in lead generation.
  • Built an assembly-line-based, full-circle sales team of 12 people.
  • Developed the outbound channel as the primary source of deals, whereby 85% of total deals and 60% of key customers were converted.
  • Built outbound and inbound sales strategies, resulting in a 50% trial-to-paid conversion and a 36% response rate from outbound outreach.
  • Accelerated deal closing by 20% and lead generation by 80% in CleanMyMac X and Setapp for Teams.
  • Handled negotiations with enterprise and key SMB clients.
  • Developed strategies for entering markets in the United States, 联合王国, 北欧和西欧, 及拉丁美洲.
  • Developed automated sales and CSM strategies, including regular client interviews, an internal alert system for key customer actions, and loyalty-generating programs.
重点领域:销售策略, 销售增长, 适应市场, 市场需求, 谈判, CRM系统, LinkedIn营销, 表, 米罗, Jira, 企业对企业(B2B), 业务发展, 市场研究 & 分析, 销售漏斗, 增长战略, 产品销售, SaaS, 定价, 单位价格, 销售, B2B潜在客户生成, 铅一代, 直接/间接销售 & 分布, 合同谈判, 价格谈判, 风险管理, 市场风险, 市场营销, 市场, 沟通, 沟通策略, 市场营销 沟通s (MarCom), 跨文化交际, 网络营销, 电子邮件营销, 交易营销, 带领营销, 营销计划, 增长的市场营销, 渠道销售, 技术销售, 销售场地, 销售计划, 销售分析, 软件销售, 销售培训, 销售管道, 销售业务, 销售管理, B2B销售渠道, 销售预测, 销售业绩, 数字战略, 启动策略, 定价策略, 产品策略, 内容策略, 商业策略, 战略规划, 收入的策略, 海外市场营销, 入站营销, 入站营销计划, 产品的增长, Startup 增长战略 Development, 团队管理, 团队指导, 团队开发, 团队的领导, 团队的工作效率, 团队重组, 新业务发展, 增长分析, 增长的黑客, 客户体验, 联系, 客户体验 Management, 联系中心, 业务服务, 客户服务, 产品策略顾问, 策略, 产品顾问, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 业务设计, 创新战略, 运营模式, 组织结构, 业务转型, 流程设计, 目标运营模式, 业务体系结构, 企业架构, TOGAF, 市场研究, 营销策略, 发现, 市场研究分析师, 增长, 创业公司, 客户的见解, 客户分析, 数据分析, 客户分析, 客户满意度, 数据分析, 数据科学, 数字营销策略, 数字体验设计, 数据驱动营销, 大数据, 商业模式, 市场细分, Total Addressable Market (TAM), B2B合作伙伴, 品牌, 可再生能源, EMEA, B2B, 薪酬计划, 销售报酬, 预测, 预算, 产品授权, 谷歌, 数据聚合, 客户成功, 变革型领导, 咨询, 销售 & 渠道支持,销售 & 市场营销

业务发展 Executive

2016 - 2019
  • Accelerated and streamlined the deal closing process and enabled 350% 成长th in three years.
  • Developed a communication strategy, which led to 200-250 sales qualified leads (SQLs) per month through organic traffic.
  • Increased LTV by 80% by developing and implementing upselling, downselling, 交叉销售策略.
  • Built an assembly-line sales team of four, including a lead generation manager, 特别提款权, 一个客户经理.
  • Collaborated with the CEO to invent and launch two white label products based on internal expertise and market demand.
  • Validated and nurtured inbound and outbound leads using validation methodologies, 例如BANT和CHAMP, for qualitative segmentation of leads.
  • Assisted the client in kicking off the project, including their visit and support during their stay.
Focus areas: 业务发展, 增长战略, 企业对企业(B2B), IT外包, 信息技术服务, 销售增长, 销售漏斗, 市场需求, 适应市场, 销售策略, 谈判, CRM系统, LinkedIn营销, 表, 米罗, Jira, 市场研究 & 分析, 定价, 销售, B2B潜在客户生成, 铅一代, 直接/间接销售 & 分布, 合同谈判, 价格谈判, 风险管理, 市场风险, 市场营销, 市场, 沟通, 沟通策略, 市场营销 沟通s (MarCom), 跨文化交际, 网络营销, 电子邮件营销, 交易营销, 带领营销, 营销计划, 增长的市场营销, 渠道销售, 技术销售, 销售场地, 销售计划, 销售分析, 软件销售, 销售培训, 销售管道, 销售业务, 销售管理, B2B销售渠道, 销售预测, 销售业绩, 数字战略, IT策略, 公司战略, 启动策略, 定价策略, 产品策略, 内容策略, 商业策略, 战略规划, 海外市场营销, 入站营销, 入站营销计划, 产品的增长, Startup 增长战略 Development, 团队管理, 团队指导, 团队开发, 团队的领导, 团队的工作效率, 新业务发展, 增长分析, 客户体验, 联系, 客户体验 Management, 联系中心, 业务服务, 客户服务, 产品策略顾问, 策略, 业务分析, 技术业务分析, 数字转换, 变更管理, Organizational 变更管理 (OCM), 组织设计, 业务设计, 创新战略, 运营模式, 组织结构, 业务转型, 流程设计, 目标运营模式, 业务体系结构, 市场研究, 营销策略, 发现, 市场研究分析师, 增长, 客户的见解, 客户分析, 数据分析, 客户分析, 客户满意度, 数据分析, 数据科学, 数字营销策略, 数字体验设计, 数据驱动营销, 大数据, 商业模式, 市场细分, B2B合作伙伴, 品牌, EMEA, B2B, 薪酬计划, 销售报酬, 预测, 预算, 产品授权, 谷歌, 数据聚合, 客户成功, 变革型领导, Fintech, 咨询, 销售 & 渠道支持,销售 & 市场营销


2013 - 2016
  • Developed an outbound sales strategy from scratch and formed a cold outreach pipeline.
  • Initiated content strategy development and ensured an organic flow of leads.
  • Negotiated and closed strategic deals and partnerships.
  • Built direct email correspondence with prospective clients. Presented the company and services based on the potential needs of differentiated segments.
Focus areas: 业务发展, 企业对企业(B2B), 销售, 销售漏斗, B2B潜在客户生成, 铅一代, 销售策略, 谈判, CRM系统, LinkedIn营销, 销售增长, 市场研究 & 分析, 增长战略, 市场需求, 适应市场, 定价, 信息技术服务, IT外包, 直接/间接销售 & 分布, 合同谈判, 价格谈判, 市场风险, 市场营销, 市场, 沟通, 沟通策略, 市场营销 沟通s (MarCom), 跨文化交际, 电子邮件营销, 交易营销, 带领营销, 营销计划, 技术销售, 销售场地, 软件销售, 销售管道, B2B销售渠道, 海外市场营销, 入站营销, 市场研究分析师, 增长, 客户的见解, 客户分析, 客户分析, 市场细分, EMEA, B2B, 谷歌, 数据市场, 数据货币化, 数据聚合, 销售 & 市场营销


2015 - 2015
  • Built the sales process and sales funnel from scratch.
  • Negotiated with key accounts and closed strategic deals that generated 80% of the company's revenue.
  • Built a loyalty program and developed a distribution policy to enable easy upsell and channel sales.
  • Found the most fitting solution for every business I reached and overperformed KPIs by 50% by establishing long-term, tender-based relations with governmental organizations.
Focus areas: B2B潜在客户生成, 直接/间接销售 & 分布, 销售漏斗, 销售增长, 企业对企业(B2B), 业务发展, 市场需求, 谈判, CRM系统, LinkedIn营销, 销售策略, 市场研究 & 分析, 增长战略, 适应市场, 定价, 销售, 铅一代, 合同谈判, 价格谈判, 市场风险, 市场营销, 市场, 沟通, 销售场地, 软件销售, 销售管道, B2B销售渠道, EMEA, B2B, 谷歌
2018 - 2019


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University - Dnipro, Ukraine

2014 - 2018


Oles Honchar Dnipro National University - Dnipro, Ukraine

2015 - 2016

交流年 in 金融与管理学anagement

The Poznań University of Economics and Business - Poznan, Poland



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